Sunday, February 1, 2015

whew, what a day

I have had a very long day

     The heat didn't work.  The hot water didn't work.  It was cold outside.  The driveway drifted.  My daughter was at work, causing me to worry needlessly.  i rooted for the Seahawks.  My cold is still dragging on.
     We have an on demand hot water system.  There is an air filter on the unit, and sometimes it gets clogged with dirt.  Once I figured out that was the problem, it only took a few minutes to take the tank front off, drop the screws on the ground, take out the filter, clean it, replace it, look for the dropped screws, find the directions for resetting it and voila!  Hot water.  Instantly.
     The furnace is another story.  After the new electric meter was installed, the furnace was not running.  I went downstairs and threw the breaker, and it started working again.  Fast forward to waking up to a 62 degree house, and you see my concern.  I threw the breaker again, but nothing happened.  Then about two hours later, it went on!  The house heated up and we were fine.  Until tonight.  Now, nothing is going.  It will be a cold morning.
     That was quite the storm, wasn't it?  The howling, the screaming....but enough about me.  It was so cold, I saw a snowman rubbing his arms together to start a fire!   I saw two snowflakes that were alike!
     A day of sneezing, coughing, wheezing, drinking tea, indifferently watching a Super Bowl game, watching cars creep down the I am tired.  Doing nothing can cause that.

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