Tuesday, February 24, 2015

and now, back to our regularly scheduled blog

Did you miss me?

     I watched the Oscars Sunday, and by the time it was over, I was a little too tired to write.
     On Monday, my Internet was gone.
     I did not call Comcast, because we have an Apple deely bop on the desk, and I figured anything a Comcast person told me to do would end up in a major problem.
     So I waited for John to stop by.
     Tonight he looked at it, checked the preferences, then jiggled a wire and, voila!  Internet.
     Now I know:  Check connections first.
     Yesterday was a kind of big day for me.
     My dear sweet mommy left me some stocks and stuff.  Jackie and I vowed to never touch it.  Each year it produces some income which goes into a money market account until I decide to re-invest.
     Yesterday I bought 9 shares of Apple.  I fully expect for the stock to grow to 500 and split again, as it did last fall.  If it does that 10 times, I will be rich.
     I have a guide to investing:  I buy stock in products and businesses I like.
     So, thanks Mom for passing that on to us.   We will put it to good use, when the time comes.

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