Saturday, February 14, 2015

mind over matter

I am not cold

     I will not be cold this next week.
     All I have to do is think of warm things.
Mowing the lawn on a 90 degree day
Swimming in a pool
Soaking in a hot tub
Cub game in August
First week of school
Weeding in my gardens
Riding my bike
Sweat dripping down my nose and off my forehead
Smelly people
Car seats so hot they leave waffle burns on my butt
My hands melting and sticking to the steering wheel
A blazing hot sun in the noon sky
Resting my eyes on my chaise lounge on the porch
The drone of lawnmowers
Cooking on the Weber
     Wow......I do feel much warmer.  Think I will just go crawl off into my sleep sack, bury my head under  a couple of blankets and wait until May.

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