Monday, February 16, 2015

here we go

I knew in trouble

     Guys, you know how it starts.
     Innocently, enough.
     But then it grows.  And grows.  And grows.
     Someone found a picture on line of a living room.  (Damn those computers.)  She liked the color.
     "Terry, look at this picture.  But I don't think you'll like it."
     So we went to look, but she had lost the website.
    "There was a color I know you won't like."
     Now we often show each other pictures of things on the web.  Nothing strange.  Then the truth.
     "I really like that color."   Warning Bells!!  Warning Bells!!!
     We are talking about new furniture, so I assumed she meant the color in the furniture.
     Au contrairie, mon frer!
      "You'll have to paint the back wall in the dining nook and the lower part of the dining room."
     Moi??!!  Paint??
     Has she forgotten about the dropped gallon that went everywhere in the family room?
     Does she not remember that I painted the basement twice and still missed areas?
      Did she forget I painted the ceiling three times in the basement?  And what the floor looked like when I was done?  Might as well have painted that too.
     Painting is not my strength.
     But I can pick up the phone and call a guy named Dane, who does a great job at painting.
     And I can write a check.
      I need to save my talents for where they work best....sleeping and playing spider solitaire.

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