Friday, February 27, 2015

that was the week that was

Sometimes life just scares the crap out of me

     Darling had a routine mammogram last week.
     This is normally a fairly quick process.  They do the mammogram, give the results, and we are happy for another year.
     Last week they detected a small area which they thought was not normal.
     So they scheduled a biopsy procedure for Wednesday.
     To say we were a little scared would be an understatement.  We have too many friends and family members who have been afflicted by cancer.
     On Wednesday they did the biopsy.  On Thursday we went for the results.
     I think she lost five pounds during the week.
     Everything was fine.  Normal. No cancer.  No further need for treatment.  No cause for alarm.
     We told very few people about the whole thing because she did not want to make a big deal of it.    One friend had experience with that and assured us this is common in people of our age.  We didn't even tell Julia, because we did not want her to worry.
     Understand, I could barely talk about it without crying.  When I told Emily, my eyes filled with tears and I had a hard time talking.  I don't handle this stuff very well.
     Anyway, the week of doubt, uncertainty and fear is over....and we are very thankful for that.
     One lesson from this:  Girls, get your mammograms on a regular basis.
     That's the happy ending of this story.

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