Thursday, February 12, 2015

What a week

I am looking forward to nothing

     My week at Emily's ended without a lot of fanfare.  No messes on the floor, no piles or pee to clean up.  No hairballs.  The dogs and cat also did fine, although cat was not happy with me for not giving her treats every time I walked in the door.  Wait...she also said something about guinea pigs....oh well.
     I should have warned her  (Emily, not the cat) about the thermostat.  My first night there I almost froze.  She turns the heat down to like 47 below at night.  Plus, I had a fever, so I shook and shivered in between bouts of sweating.  I raised it to a more acceptable 67 the next night.  Acceptable to me, anyways.  I don't think I lowered it.  Maybe tonight she will enjoy the heat.
     I sleep in a sleeping bag at her house.  My bag is good to 32 degrees, but it was not warm enough on Sunday.  I know it sounds crazy, but I don't have to make the bed.  I would sleep in a sleeping  bag at home if Jackie approved, which she doesn't.  I did ask.
      I am feeling better.  But I am not well.  Here's how I know:
     Only one helping for dinner.
     The cheap cherry pie I bought last Sunday is still sitting on the counter, unopened.
     Jackie made cookies tonight.  I did not eat any.  I did not eat the left over icing.
     I have not had chocolate in 5 days.
     I have not had wine in three weeks.
     I ache.  I am tired.  I am bloated. I am wearing suspenders.
     Yes, suspenders.
     My pants keep falling down.  I wear a size 36 "relaxed" fit and for some reason, they don't seem to sit across my waist anymore.  I am like a kid.  Meaning that sometimes my pants are hanging below the plumbers line.
     One day I carried out some compost material, and by the time I got to the back yard I thought they were going all the way to the ground.
     So I bought suspenders.  I have not had to hitch up my pants all day.
     But I hate them.  I look very odd.  And old.
     Yes,  I would look odder with my pants around my knees in the dairy aisle at the grocery store too, so I guess I will keep wearing them.
     But please don't laugh at me.

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