Sunday, February 8, 2015

I just don't get it

I tried following directions

     I tried.  I really did.
     Hit the middle button and everything turns on.  I can watch TV with one push of a button.
     So when the blue screen came on, I knew that was not going to be true tonight.
     I finally got to Netflix, but I could not figure out how to watch  Poirot on Netflix.  After many unsuccessful attempts, I realized the Apple remote was the key.  And voila!  Poirot.
     I had to do all of this with an orange psycho cat nestled on my chest, refusing to move, and a huge confused looking Great Dane staring at me and craving pets on his head.
     Why?  You ask?  I am dog sitting!!
     It should not be too bad.  Five dogs, one crazy cat, two guinea pigs and a slightly, overweight, out of shape old guy together for four days.
     Good time to work on lines for the upcoming show.  But somewhere between my house and Em's, my tape recorded lines disappeared.
     Emily and John keep it a little cooler, so when I go  back after supper I will turn the heat up to a more comfortable setting.  Right now it's on "freeze your ass off" and I plan to put it on, "finally, I can take off my coat."
     No wonder the dogs shiver.  It's not fear!
     There is a lot of responsibility with this job.  Can't let the dogs or cat in with the guinea pigs, can't let the cat in the bedroom at night because it is psycho, with a capital P.  Don't let Dog A out with Dog B and encourage Bennett to, at some point in the next four days,  go outside.
     I also have to try to read Cooper's mind, to get some idea of why he stands barking furiously and intensely at a wall.
     I keep hearing Cooper and the cat don't get along, so I was a little wary when Cooper started licking the cat.  Not sure if it was affection, or a tasting.
     In any case, the fun begins!!

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