Saturday, January 31, 2015

just waiting....and watching

I think it may finally snow

     Anywhere from 6 to 20 inches, depending on the forecast and the direction the storm tracks.
     I was just outside a few minutes ago, listening.
     Listening to a snowstorm at night is very cool.
     You can hear the flakes hitting the ground.  But it's what you can't hear that is amazing.  Not as many cars, no people, no was just drop dead quiet out on the front porch.
     Sure, in the distance there was a train horn, but this is Rochelle.  One car went down Flagg Road, but it was going very slowly, and very quietly.
     In the past during snows I have put on my shearling coat and just gone out into the woods behind my old house, or even just under the pine trees in the back yard, and listened to the snow fall.  It is very soothing to the soul.
     When I was a kid growing up in Chicago I loved hearing the sound snow shovels made on the sidewalks, the scrape, scrape, scrape that often came in a type of rhythm.
     Tomorrow the plows will be out, and the annoying mosquito sounding snowmobiles will be speeding across the yards, people will fire up their snow blowers.  The silence will be broken.
     I always think of Robert Frost:  The woods are lovely, dark and deep; but I have miles to go before I sleep.
     I too, have miles to go before I sleep.
     In the meantime, I think I'll go back out onto the porch.

Friday, January 30, 2015

I feel so dirty......

I am not a total perv....there was a reason

     There was a reason I spent over half an hour in the bra section at Kohl's tonight.....someone needed a new bra.  No, it was not me.
     I am not a bra aficionado.  I know they go on, come off, and lift up.
     After that, I am lost.   And truthfully, I don't care.
     I now know that bras are not actually organized in any particular way, except by style.
     You can find a 22 next to an 86.....ok, an exaggeration both ways.  But they do not seem to be orderly.  A C is next to a D next to a DD next to a ......and on and on and on.
     Maybe it's because the aisle are so narrow the bras keep falling on the ground and people just put them up on the first hook they see.
     And there are so many to choose from.....each brand has its own section, and when you think you are done looking, there is another brand with another section.
     I was on the floor looking for the correct size when three young girls passed.  I knew what they were thinking:  EEEEW!
     Of course, I was by myself as there was another manufacturer two rows over that demanded attention.
     I expected there to be an announcement over the intercom.  "Customer assistance in ladies wear...someone please find out why the old guy is on the ground fondling bras."
     Men wear t-shirts as an equivalent to bras.  We have crew neck, v-neck, and the other kind that only guys with muscles wear.  That's it.
     For women, it's not that easy.  Size, style, fabric, purpose, ornamentation, how it hooks, padding, support....all come into play.  Finding the right bra is no easy task.
     There must have been a million bras at Kohl's.  At least.
     I'll probably have nightmares about air bags going off in my car tonight, pinning me to the back of the seat with firm, upright precision.
     She finally found that needle in a haystack.
     I'm just glad I wasn't asked to model any of them.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

heard that story before

Sometimes I live on the edge

     The edge of sanity.
     Years ago, we were two star struck kids.  We were at my folks' house and Jackie and I went out for hot dogs.
     I took her down to Montrose Harbor to see the Submarine Races.
     (No, there are no submarine races.  It was an in way to say we went to a make out place near the lake.  I took several girls down to see the submarine races in my life time.  Well, actually, I took one.)
     So we were sitting in my car, the Chevy Impala convertible, if I recall, munching hot dogs.  My arm moved around her back, and for some reason I hit the headlights.
     Huge cats, or small dogs, ran in front of the car.  It took a minute for my eyes to adjust, but she recognized the long tails for what they were:  Rats!  Many of them!! And all very big!!
     I started the car and drove.  I was fearful some of them had climbed the wheel wells and were now comfortably housed in my car, but they evidently they did not make it inside.
     I was reminded of that tonight when I watched Channel 9 news on the computer and they talked about the rat problem in the area around the ball park.  Seems all the construction at Wrigley has driven the critters out of their burrows and above ground.
     Rats are not very pretty creatures, despite what Emily says.  (She actually had some as pets in college.  The one that came up her toilet one night was not a pet however, and forever taught her the importance of keeping the lid down and checking the bowl first.)
     I always had a dislike/fear of them.  One animal I would not handle at the zoo was the rat.  I told my trainer that I didn't believe an animal that spread bubonic plague and was responsible for the Black Death that killed millions in Europe was a suitable animal for petting.
     We never went back to the lakefront again.
     And that's too bad, it really is a pleasant place to watch the submarines race.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

breaking my routine today

I have a scientific conundrum

     Jeez, I hope I used conundrums correctly.
     We have been in the house for two years, three months.
     Last week I replaced a light bulb in one of our kitchen pendant lamps.  Today I replaced a battery in a smoke detector.
     Earlier today, Jackie asked me what was beeping.  I heard nothing.  I have a ringing in my ears that sounds like crickets and high pitched radio frequencies.  It's a constant.  Goes 24 hours a day, awake, asleep, inside, outside, sober, drunk......constantly.
     Sometimes I will jump up to answer the phone, only to be told it wasn't ringing.  Other times a noise will be irritating wifey and I have no idea, because I don't hear it.
     The basement smoke detector was doing it's chirping sound, telling me it was time to replace the battery.  Of course, we did not have a battery.  After going to the store, I proceeded to start reading the Trib on line and when niece Cindy called, talked to her for a while.  I went back to the Trib when a shrill voice said "Fix that damn smoke detector.  It is driving me crazy."  Since I couldn't hear it, it didn't bother me....but I heard the tone.
     Two minutes later, battery replaced, chirp gone.
     Now my scientific conundrum:  All the smoke detectors were installed at the same time.  All the lights were put in at the same time.
      Why don't all the lights, and all the detectors, go out at one time?  Or even within days of each other?
      They are all on the same amount of time, are all the same age, have the same batteries or light bulbs....yet some last longer.
     Silly me, I only bought 3 batteries.  It struck me I should replace all the smoke detector batteries at one time, on one special day, so I would make it an annual event.
     That would involve planning and rationality, something I am not good at.
     By the way, my routine is changed tonight.  I usually read the Internet, play solitaire, then do my blog but tonight I opted to do the blog first.
     Next I will read the Internet and then take a nice, hot shower that will hopefully relax me and allow me to sleep tonight, perchance to dream.
     Hopefully I won't be up at 3 a.m. talking to people on Facebook.  Not that I don't like doing that, but I am really tired.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I joined the new age today

I now have an I Phone

     Tonight I found out it can talk to me.  I can tell it to call home.  Or Jackie's mobile.  And some day, maybe it will.
     But tonight, it just said it could not do that at this time.
     Remember, I am a techno goofus.  I can't do much on my computer except play solitaire and check Facebook and e-mails.  And this blog.  After that, it is a learning experience.
     Why did I get an I phone?
     My flip phone was getting antiquated.  I can't text on it.  It won't take decent pictures.  I can't use it to find directions.  
     Course I can't with my new phone, because I don't know how yet.
     True story.  On the way home from the Cubs Convention the train was packed.  A young guy, who teaches in Sycamore, sat next to me.  We chatted all the way back to Elburn.  At one point I took out my phone to see if I had any messages.  His eyes grew wide.  "You have a flip phone??  I don't know if I have ever really seen one up close!"
     I think someone should, on a regular basis, offer classes for old folks on how to use computers for specific things.
     I can't figure out how to delete stories out of my Pages program.  I have all sorts of stuff in there I don't want.  And I can't seem to set up folders correctly.  I have one folder that has all sorts of stuff from another folder in it, so now there are two of every thing.
     Maybe Siri can tell me how to fix that little problem, eh?
     I used to leave my flip phone in the car.  I figured, no one is going to steal that.  Now I have to be on guard with my new phone.  I can't just leave it in the car, or in my coat, or on my desk.....what if I lose it?  Where do I put it in the summer when I don't wear a coat and have only pants pockets to rely on?
     Why does this have to be so difficult???
     And an update, of sorts.  I finally walked today.  Jan 27, and I got my first 2 mile trek in.  At this rate, I'll never hit 500 miles.
     Might as well go to bed.

Monday, January 26, 2015

oops......learn something new every day

 I am sorry I said no

     A while ago a friend asked if I was interested in going to a benefit in Chicago.  It was Wood'y's Winter Warm Up, a benefit for a foundation run by Kerry Wood.
     As you know I am a little socially maladjusted.  Going to a benefit with a whole lot of strangers is not in my DNA.
     But I was wrong.  I should have gone.
     The silent auction part featured two life time dreams.....both within my reach.
     Throwing out the first pitch at Wrigley for a Cub game.
     Singing the Seventh Inning Stretch.  (OK, is it capitalized?  I think today it is.)
     Plus I could have mingled with some famous and semi famous people, like Jarrett Payton, Ronnie Woo Woo, Jon Lester.....well, maybe not Jon Lester.  And maybe not Jarrett Payton, but certainly Ronnie Woo Woo!
     But I said no.
     Next year, I will strongly consider going.
     After all, throwing out the first ball went for only $2,080!!  Certainly that is a cheap price to pay for experiencing a life long dream!!
     Alas, not everyone in the household agrees.  Much like my plan to go to Cuba, and Switzerland for Christmas, and Berlin, and bike and barge down a river in France, someone thinks it is too expensive.
     Besides, my pitching arm is still not 100 percent, so I would probably bounce it off the mound when I threw.
     But I could have bid on the ultimate fan experience....two tickets in the private box of Theo Epstein and leading the crowd in the Seventh Inning Stretch!!  How can anyone say no to that?
     Well, ok, that one went for a little over $12,000....but it's for the kids!
     It might have been a fun event to meet new people, have some wine, spend the kids' inheritance, deplete that IRA, go through our retirement home account.
    Alas, (Note: second time I have used this today!  No applause, please.) I did not go.  It was not meant to be.
     I guess I'll just have to wait 'till next year.
     After all, I'm used to that.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

what happened??

I feel like Rip Van Winkle

     It feels like the Cubs Convention was just yesterday....and it was a week ago!
     I have lost a week!!
     Damn cold.
     I spent all day Sunday prone on the downstairs couch, watching Poirot mysteries on Netflix.
     This is a series based on Agatha Christie mysteries, which featured a strange little foreigner.
     He always bristles when he is called French.  One of my favorite lines came with this retort:  Sir, I am not a half baked no nothing idiotic Frenchman.  I am from Belgium!"  Or something like that.
     David Suchet plays Poirot.  He did something like 25 seasons of the show, with three or four shows per season.  Recently, the last ones aired.  They have to be the last ones, because, well, I won't spoil the final episode.
     What's amazing is to follow the primary actors through the years.  In the first episodes Poirot and Miss Lemon, Capt. Hastings, and Inspector Japp are fairly young.  In the final episodes, Hastings and Lemon had aged a lot, as had Poirot.  I did not see Japp.
     Sometimes I wish I had a movie of my life.  I could watch the progression through the years, the physical and mental changes that occur would be documented.
     But then again, maybe it would be too depressing.
     I am on season I have a ways to go.
     I just hope I don't have to be sick to watch them.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's a ground floor opportunity...really!

I read Dear Abby and I want to go to Cuba

     How in the world are those two thoughts related?
     I am glad you asked.
     Like I said, I read Dear Abby...or whatever it is in the Trib.  Today there were two letters, one from a person who has a relative planning a trip overseas.  The person said the relative had sent her a "crowd sourcing" letter, spelling out all the benefits of the trip and how people could help by contributing.
     The second letter was from a woman whose friend arranges parties and dinners, then tells the people how much they have to pay.  For example, the friend organized a birthday party for herself, then told people how much they owed for room rental and appetizers eaten at the party.  There is a wedding in the future, and the writer suspects she will get an invitation with a note to fund the wedding or the honeymoon.
     I have wanted to go to Cuba for several years.  I think it would be neat to see what a country under Communism looks like first hand.  The old cars, quaint buildings, Hemingway sites, cigar factories, they all fascinate me.
     So I thought:  Crowd source!!
     Here is your opportunity to live life through me!
     Your donation will bring you the inner peace that can be achieved by sending someone (me) on a fantastic trip.
     I have even determined levels.
     Basic:  $1....You will get a postcard from me.  Now it is possible those may be mailed in the US, where the postal rate is cheaper, but...there is hope.
     Basic Plus:  $10.....In addition to a postcard, which may or may not be mailed in Cuba, you will receive a digital e-mail featuring a picture of me in front of a Cuban building of some sort.
     Silver:  $25....You will get both Basic benefits, plus an e mailed picture of me standing in front of, or next to, a vintage auto still in use in Cuba.
     Gold:  $50.... Basic and Silver benefits, plus a selfie of me eating at an outdoor cafe in Havana!
     Platinum:  $100.... Basic plus Gold and Silver benefits and an authentic hand rolled Cuban cigar and a selfie of me attempting to hand roll a Cuban cigar while working the camera.
     This is truly an opportunity that needs to receive your immediate attention.  Act now!  I want to go before Starbucks, McDonald's and Hilton Hotels change the landscape forever.
     And if this proves fruitful, I may even try crowd sourcing my way to a barge and biking trip through the heart of France!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Let's play two today

I loved Ernie Banks

     I didn't know him  Only had a brief autograph encounter once, years ago.
     But I loved him.  (If you haven't heard, Ernie died late Friday night.  He was 83.)
     He taught me a lot.
     As a young kid, I watched him play shortstop on the North Side.  I remember the year he won MVP on a sixth place team.  And again the following year, when he won MVP again, on a closer to last than first team.
     He had 512 home runs, 1,636 runs batted in.
     Yet, it wasn't his baseball ability so much as it was him.
     He seemed to be an eternal optimist.  The friendly confines, let's play two, I think were said in dark days of losses and frustration.
     You never say him argue a call.  I don't think he ever questioned a strike call.
     He played for the same team, even during the free agency years when he could have gone to a better ball club that would gladly have paid him more money.
     He came to the park, day after day, game after game.  Uncomplaining.  Performing his best.  Sore bones, aching arms, nothing prevented him from taking the field.
     And when they moved him to left, he tried.  He really did.  But he was a terrible left fielder.  The move to first extended his career, I think, and he developed into a good first baseman.
     A black ball player in 1953 may not have had the same experience a black ball player today does.  Restaurants still discriminated, even in the north.  Hotels discriminated, even in the north.  Yet he never complained, never used that as an excuse...he just showed up and played his best, proving the bigots wrong.
     The 1969 Cubs will always be my favorite team.  Ron Santo and Ernie were cornerstones, as were Billy Williams and Fergie Jenkins.
     At the recent Cubs convention I had hoped to get a glimpse of him, maybe an autograph.  But he was suffering from a minor health issue, according to the announcement at the convention.
     I always thought I would write him a letter, telling him how much I appreciated his contributions to the Cubs, on the field and off.
     I just wish he had a chance to see his Cubbies in the World Series.
     And I wish I had taken the time to tell him, "Well done, Mr. Cub.  Well done."

Thursday, January 22, 2015

holy cow.......

I think I am sick

     I asked Jackie if I felt hot today, she did not think so.  But I took my temp, and it was 100.2.  My head is stuffy, my joints ache and I am tired.
      I am not a good sick person.  I whine.  I moan.  I complain.  I eat constantly.
      I can never remember:  Starve a cold and feed a fever or vice versa?  So I eat like crazy.
      I also drink hot Tang.   I put some honey in it and it soothes my throat.
      I also have Vick's VapoRub to slather all over my tender body.  It is actually kinkier sounding than it really is.
     So I am going to bed.
     Hopefully, I will sleep all night and be better in the morning.
     If not, then I guess I'll be going to urgent care tomorrow night!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

april showers bring.....

I was once entitled

     No, not Lord, Duke or Viceroy, but FHA 235 entitled.
     When Jackie and I were first married, I was working at the newspaper.  Tilton Homes, also the owner of the paper, was building some bi levels on Southview Drive....I believe 6 of them.  They were being built as part of the 235 program to put low income people into their own home.
     Working at the newspaper full time, I qualified.
     We paid $95 a month for the house, the government kicked in another couple of hundred.  As our income rose, so did our share of the payment.
     The bi level had two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom on the upper level, and an unfinished basement.  Eventually, we finished four of the rooms, never getting to the basement bathroom, which should have been a priority.
     Anyway, we had a bathroom upstairs.  And it had a tub.
     Jackie was pregnant with Emily and getting up out of the tub was hard work.
     One weekend, I encouraged her to visit her parents.  And I got to work.
     I hired a plumber to put in a shower.  Then I bought a shower enclosure kit from my favorite retailer at the time.
     These were melamine panels that glued onto the wall.  Then you caulked it and voila!  A shower!
     All went well until I cut the melamine panel to fit around the window.  I had the front panel up, and the back panel up.  But I cut the opening about 1 inch too short.
     So I had to go back to the store for a second kit.  It had to be ordered.
     When Jackie came home, I believe she was really surprised.
     Of course, she could not use the shower for another two weeks, but it served its purpose.
     I think it was my first do it yourself project.
     We sold the house six years later.  It still had the melamine panels.
     I always wondered if they ever  leaked......  or got replaced.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cubs Convention....part three

I ate historic fare while in Chicago

     Dan and Linda pointed out that while the Palmer House in downtown Chicago is an opulent, throw back hotel, it also has a place in culinary history.
     In 1893, the World's Fair was held in Chicago.  Bertha Palmer's husband owned the hotel, and she asked the pastry chef to create a dessert that was cake like in nature, but in a small piece  which could easily be eaten out of a box lunch.  She realized the fair would draw thousands of people to the newly rebuilt city, and they would be hungry.
     The chef came up with the brownie, and history was made.  The original creation was covered by an apricot glaze and walnuts.  Dan and I sat at the bar and had a brownie on Friday night.  Today it is served  as originally created, but with a small scoop of ice cream and a dollop of chocolate mousse.   It was very good.
     Of course, we sat at the back of the bar....figured we were not up to Palmer House standards to sit in the front section, where you can be seen.  But it was a classy experience.  A lady next to us sounded like one of the munchkins....she had the most irritating voice!  I know why she was there....but a couple of A listers like us??  Go figure!
     I had a warm apple cider with brandy, mainly because I was a little chilled.  That was powerful!
     Back to the convention.
     Some 7,000 tickets were sold.  Famous players, players yet to be famous, fans, vendors, a whole bunch of people.
     It was my first experience at a Cubs Convention.  It may not be my last one.
     I am just sorry I waited so long.

My brownie and drink at the Palmer House bar
Jon Lester....can't walk on water, yet

This man was sitting on the can.  Literally.  We saw several people with these, and I asked a guy where he got it and what was in in.  He carried water, snacks, autograph material and who knows what else so that when he waited in line, he had a place to sit and all the stuff he needed to bide his time.  This gent has been to every Cub Convention....all 30.  This year he also brought his grand daughter, whom I believe he said was six or seven months.

Can you say Ronnie Woo Woo??   Really him, not a statue, the real Ronnie Wickers

Crowd waiting to get into bingo

My kind of town, Chicago is.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cubs convention....part two

I did not get any autographs last weekend

    I didn't even try.
    I figured, I have so much stuff in my house now, a few autographs could be the point of tipping the house over or leaving it upright.  I chose upright.
     There were plenty of autographs to get.  Some you had to pay for.  A $20 donation was asked for autographs in the Fergie Jenkins area.  The money goes to a foundation, which I understand exists to support players in need from the olden days, before TV deals and mega contracts.
     You could also opt to meet and greet.  Dan wanted to get Billy Williams autograph.  There was a meet and greet for Billy.  Fans could pay $150 and meet Billy, get him to autograph something, and then chit chat as time allowed.  Each person could bring one person.  There were 15 slots available for the 30 minute meet and greet time period.  That means, if everyone brought a guest, there would be about 1 minute to say hi, ask for an autograph, talk about the team, ask about his get the picture.  I offered to be Dan's guest, and thank heavens he did not take me up on it!
     Other current players were on hand at specific times to sign.  If they were scheduled for 30 minutes, they signed for 30 minutes.  If you were the next person in line after that time limit, you just might be out of luck.
     So, no autographs.
     It was kind of a thrill to be there and say hi to Hall of Famers like Fergie Jenkins, Rollie Fingers and Lee Smith.....who should be in the Hall if he isn't.  And seeing other Cubs up close was pretty cool.  The team was introduced and walked down a runway and John, Dan and I  sat right next to it, so you could actually see them sweat.  (The players, not John and Dan.)
     When I was a kid, I used to hang around Wrigley after games and ask for autographs.  I know I have Ed Bouchee, George Altman, Ernie Banks.....but I can't find the book with all the names.
      I must have waited an hour when Ernie finally came out and got in his car.  I kind of remember it being a baby blue Cadillac, but that might not be right.  I went up to him as he was getting ready to drive off and asked him to sign my book....and he did.
     Another time I saw a man come out of the players entrance and I asked him for his autograph.  He gladly gave it.  To this day, I have no idea what his name was or who he was....I could not read anything he wrote.
     But I can't find the book.
     I had hoped to see Ernie and Pat Hughes, but both had minor medical issues and could not be a the convention.
     Maybe next year.
     Tomorrow:  How we ate a piece of history.

Fergie Jenkins

Lee Smithy

You could buy lots of pins to keep or trade

Clark drew a crowd....why doesn't he have pants??

It was actually made of fiberglass

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Koozie Girls, where are you??

I really enjoyed the Cubs Convention

     I met a lot of interesting people, who I will never see again.  I saw ball players past and present, sat in on some fun sessions, and made quite an impression on some youngsters.
     Dan and I were hanging around waiting for Cubs Bingo to start.  A young lady asked if we wanted a koozie to wrap around our Buds.  It was funny, because we did not have any Buds and no use for more koozies.
     But she was young.  And attractive.
     Minutes later, they had multiplied.  There were now five of them.  Some guy asked if he could get his picture taken with them and they said yes.
     I waited, when they were done I asked them if I could get my picture with them.
     They giggled and said sure.
     I reminded them I was an old guy with at least one heart attack, so they had better be prepared.   We stood in a half circle and they smiled, I smiled, they giggled, I giggled, and Dan took the picture.       During this one of them asked my name, and I told them.  A couple of them said , "Hi, Terry."
     Dan was next, and he was even luckier than me because now there were six!
     I might add,  the girls were all quite young and quite attractive.
     So Dan and I waited for Cubs Bingo to open.  And we waited.  And we waited.  There was a bunch of people waiting.
      The door opens and out come the Koozie Girls.  They walk right past us and I jump in front and say,  "Hey Koozie Girls, remember me?"  They stop, look, and I hear:  "Garry, no Jerry," and finally, "Terry!"  I laughed with them and they went on their way.
     This young guy looks over at me and said, "How did you do that?"  I smiled and said nothing.
     So we go into the hall and sit at a table.  The young guy was in a party of three and we sat with them.  Pretty soon, here come a couple of Koozie Girls passing out koozies.
     They come by the table and I look at her and say, "Koozie Girl, who am I?"
      She looks, laughs, and says, "Terry."
      I thought the young kid was going to have a heart attack.  He called to her, but she ignored him.
     She passed again, and this time said, "Hello, Terry," when she saw me.
It made an old man feel pretty darn good.  I wonder if they missed me when I left...again, in my world they did.
     Yes, I saw other people.  But, this is fodder for a couple of days of blogs, so for now, just some samplings.

The Bud Koozie Girls and their favorite old guy, at least in my world.
Rollie Fingers still has the handle bar moustache

Glenn Beckert and Bobby Dernier

Saturday, January 17, 2015

What a weekend

I just came home from the Cubs Convention

Ok, it is a little after 1 a.m......and I am a bit tired.
So here's a summary of the convention:  Good times.  The Cozi Girls.  Chicago Cubs.  Historic brownies.  Good friends.  Bingo busts.
So, there you have it.
And yes, more to come....when I am awake and fully functioning.

Thursday, January 15, 2015 accomplishment!

I actually accomplished something today

     First off, I took out all the cardboard that had accumulated since Christmas.  There were several boxes, and since it was recycling day, I decided to break them down and get them out to the curb.
Mission accomplished.
     I hung up my "Patisserie" sign Emily got us for Christmas.  It only took me an hour, but it is done.  I had to charge my drill, find a bit, which led me to picking up the workbench a little and finding more cardboard.  But the sign is up.  Mission accomplished!
     We bought an area rug.  With John's help, it is in the house and on the floor! Mission accomplished!
     (Why an area rug?  Well, a side effect of using a walker is the scuffing of the floors.  We have dark wood floors, and if the walker slides a little, it leaves a scuff mark, much like dragging a heal on the floor.  It was decided an area rug would help the scuffing.  Besides, it makes the room look warmer.)
     And I put together our third Rollinator.  Yes, that is right....three of them!
     Julia was the one who suggested a third.  We were talking about the floor, the carpets, and our concerns that winter weather would be tracked into the house.  Julia said, "Get another one to use outside."
     So we did.
     We now have an outside - going to the store one, an inside on the main level one, and a basement/spare one.  Having to haul that thing up and down the stairs is just an inconvenience.  Jackie technically should be able to roll to the door, go down the stairs, get her lower roller and be safe and steady.  Technically.
     All that in one day...and my arm does not hurt!  I think that is the first time in six months I have said that.
     Don't look for an entry tomorrow.  I'm off to the Cubs Convention and won't be home until late Saturday.  Late.
     This is my first convention and I think I picked a good year to go.  This will be an amazing year at Wrigley Field.
     I only want to meet/see/talk/get autographs from a few people.  Ernie is a given, and maybe one of the young Cubs.  But strange as it may seem, I really want to see Pat Hughes.  I'd love to be able to talk to him.  I have a fantasy that I'll sit down with him and have a beer or two.
     Anyway, I just hope I don't do anything stupid!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Can you feel it?

I feel a change in the air

     No, not weather related.  No, not health or personal relationships.
     I feel a change in Chicago sports.
     Hold on, fans; this is going to be a great year.
     The Bulls are playing well.  They have the fire and drive and could be the team to beat for the NBA title.
     The Blackhawks are doing well.  Last year they just missed the finals, this year they will win it all.
Marty McFly be damned....the Cubs will start to play good ball around the first of May.  This will carry them to the wild card round and they will eventually meet the AL champs for the World Series.
     And those champs?  They will be the Chicago White Sox!!
     The two teams will battle it out, but in either case, Chicago is home to a world series winner.
     Which brings us to the last major and the Chicago  Bears.
     Yes friends, I see the Bears making a worst to first move, mowing down the Packers and Lions and Seahawks on their way to a showdown with the New England Patriots, and the Bears will give them a spanking like we haven't seen since 1985!
     That will give Chicago the titles in every major sport in America!  Chicago will be title town, the center of the sports world, the envy of all the country.
     Huge corporations will relocate here to be associated with a winner.  Incomes will rise, taxes will bring in enough money to pay off the $100 billion in pension deficits.  We will have great roads, better parks, and super public transportation throughout the state.
     This is not a dream.  This is not caused by indulgence of alcohol.  This is clear brained, well reasoned thinking.
     Or, it could be I am getting the flu and my body hurts and I have a temp.
     Or, I just could be wacko.
     Time will tell.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

When is the last time?

I swear I am doing something for the last time

     And then I do it again.
     Never fails.  This is the last cookie I will eat and bingo, my hand is in the bag fishing out another  three Mallomars.
     The last time I save some useless bit of crap and bingo, my basement is full of stuff that has no value to anyone, including me, and I keep adding to it.
     The last time I use sarcasm to make a point.  Oh yeah, like  no one else ever does that?
     The last time I am ever in a play....and here I am, playing Loomis, a slightly off handyman in a New York apartment building.
     I don't know why I do it.
     Rehearsals.  Learning lines.  Giving up nights playing solitaire to interact with real people.  I just don't understand why I do it.
     That's where I am.  Rehearsing.  Learning lines.  Having fun with people.
     On the medical front, my arm is still a little sore.  I met with the ortho guy Monday and I am going to continue rehabbing for another six weeks.
     I could have surgery, but he's not sure how much good that will do now.  I have most of my arm back, but I do have trouble if I reach sideways for something heavy, like a mug of tea.....but at least now I can pick up a gallon of milk, put on my coat, and sleep without major pain.
     It is healing, just very slowly.  As it is for "people in my age group."
     Just like learning lines.....a little harder to do for "people in my age group."
     Sigh....wish I was 50 again.

Monday, January 12, 2015

It's all in the delivery

I am an expert on words

     Origins, first time of use, definitions.....I have an answer for any of your questions about words.
I had a lesson on words when I taught fifth graders.  A former student reminded me of this just yesterday.  (I have a lot of former students who are now teaching.  I think they saw me do it and figured if he can do it, anyone can.  Plus they are probably doing it right.)
     Words are developed in strange ways.
     For instance, in the late  1920s a dairy farmer in northern Illinois was having a hard time selling his cows' milk.
     The country was full of unrest.  Everyone was upset.  The stock market was on the verge of collapse, unemployment was high and the farmer, Hugo, by the way, was on the verge of losing his farm.  No one was buying milk.
     He tried to find alternate ways to make money.  His wife, Gertrude, was a genius in the kitchen, but they were having no luck in finding new milk products.
     One day they were experimenting with cheese.  Now they lived in a cottage, with a well out front and an outhouse out back.  And no, they did not invent cottage cheese, but good anticipation on your part.
     They tried one more experiment, but it failed.  The watery substance lacked flavor.
     They went to bed, leaving the mess on the cold kitchen counter.
     When they got up the next morning, they noticed the concoction had hardened.  They tasted it.  It was good.
     They made up several batches and took it to a grocer, who tried it and said it was very good.  He also agreed to sell it in his store.
     "What do you call it?" asked the grocer.
     Well, they really had no name for it, so they called it Hugo and Gertrude's Amazing Curdled Milk Product.
     They were excited to have it sold, so they went to the store early the next day.
     Hugo and Gertrude wandered up and down the aisles, but they could not find the product anywhere.
     Finally, Hugo spotted a container in a cooler, next to the milk.  He was so excited he yelled to his wife. "Yo, Gert, over here."
     And that's how Mr. and Mrs. Dannon came up with the name for their dairy product.
     The rest is history.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Was it that long ago?

I have been watching a lot of old TV shows

     Newhart, for example.  The show where he owned the inn in Vermont.  And Friends.  And WKRP, although I don't know why, we have that on DVD.  By the time I figure out how to load it and play it, I am too frustrated to laugh.  So watching it on the cable channel is better for me.
     Now I did not think any of those shows were on a long time ago.  Friends was on in the 90s, at least.  But watching it, you realize how far we have come.
     The have a land line in their apartments.  Then never use a computer unless at work.  They don't shop on line.  And I think Ross has a cell phone, but I am not sure.  He always uses Monica's phone to make calls.
     We have come a long way in technology since then!  If they did that show today, everyone would be sitting in the coffee shop on their Smartphones, texting, Facetiming, Instagramming or whatever else people do today.  The show would have been totally different.  It could be filmed in any Starbucks!
     And tonight Dick Lowden (AKA Newhart) was using a typewriter!!  Not even a word processor, but a bang on the keys and use correcting tape typewriter!  Plus,  he took a trip on a train!  Imagine that, riding a train from one spot to another in our lifetime.  (To be fair, Amtrak does try.  OK, so their train out of Chicago to New York was 14 hours late and a lot of passengers complained about having to sleep in a train station in sub zero weather with thin blankets....but hey!  We are not Europe!)
     At WKRP Johnny and Venus are playing records on a turn table and talking about rock and roll being shocking!
     Either civilization has moved along quickly, or I am older than I think.
     This week there was a story of a woman who was over 100 years old, and I wonder about the changes she has seen in this world.  Enough, probably, to make your head spin.
     Then I wonder about the changes I have seen....and the changes ahead.
     Talking phones?  Hover boards?  Electric cars?  A Cubs' World Series??
     Anything is possible.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah,

I think the world is getting weird

     And I am included in that.
     Tonight we had pita bread and hummus for supper, with a little soup.
     What is hummus?  It spreads like cheese, but doesn't taste like it.  We used a hot pepper sun dried tomato batch and it was pretty good, just not too filling.
     The soup helped.  It was vegetable.  And no, we did not make it from scratch.
     Although I did have some vegetable beef soup made from scratch this morning and it was incredible.  The historical society had its annual meeting, and we had soup and lots of cookies for lunch.  And cheese.  And some fresh fruits.  Come to think of it, I had lots of cookies for lunch.
     Then tonight someone posted on Facebook that they had Cream of Wheat this morning.  I love CoW, usually I put some raisins and a little brown sugar in it to give is some flavor.   This person put butter and sugar on theirs.  It sounds gross, but I bet it tastes good.  I have no idea what CoW is, except it must be wheat, based on its name.
     Tomorrow I will suggest to wifey that we have bratwurst and rosti, made with shredded hash browns.  Or maybe some scalloped potatoes.....
     I am one of those people who are constantly wondering about the next meal.  I want to know what supper is going to be, even if I haven't finished breakfast.  Drives Jackie nuts, but  I like the anticipation of knowing I am going to eat something delicious.
     Even though I liked the hummus, methinks I need real food.  Soon.

Friday, January 9, 2015

A trip down memory lane

Sometimes I like the good old days

     No, not the times we had cholera and the Black Plague.  Those were not fun times.  I remember as a kid, my mom yelling at me about playing with the rats because of the connection with the plague.  Those were tough days.
     I mean the recent good old days.
     When you could shop at local stores, buy products made in the USA, have enough money to catch a ball game or two. (In case you are wondering, I may have won the big lottery drawing tonight.  Or I may have not won.  I never check the numbers.  I prefer to wait a day or two, or even a week.  I like the tension to build.  If someone hasn't claimed the prize by Monday, I will probably look.  Maybe .)
     Once upon a time there was a really neat wine store in Creston, called The Rouge.  It was a place to gather, talk with friends, enjoy a glass of red or white, and a time to chill.  I miss the place.
     It seems like just tonight I was there, having some wine and visiting with people.  Talking about the Cubs, the weather, life in general.
     But The Rouge closed, much to the disappointment of a lot of people.
     So it must have been a dream.  A good dream.
     Fridays are usually pizza night...heck, every Friday is pizza night in my house.  We did not have pizza tonight.  In fact, we have not cooked a meal in.....let's see, 11 days.  11 days!  We have existed on dining out, left overs, dining out, left overs and some more left overs from dining out.
     But tonight was the end.  The food is almost all gone, one way or another.
     I have found some pita breads.....but I have no idea what we could do with them.
     I also have had some Steak Ums for lunch today....maybe the smell will be out of the house tomorrow.
     Cookies...gone.  Candy....almost gone.  Salad fixings.....enough for three more nights.
      I think I will be fooded out for a while.
      Quite unusual for me to say that!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

What is my password, again?

I really messed up an account tonight

     It was simple enough. I wanted to check my United miles.  So I took out my mileage card and entered the numbers, as directed.
     The next step was to enter a pin or password.  So I entered what I thought was the pin or password.
     So I tried again.  This time the account I entered changed to a different number!  But the password and pin did not work.
     So I tried again.
     And again.
     My last effort resulted in a message that I had to call customer service to straighten out the account.
     Then I tried Jackie's.  Entered her number.  Entered her password.  And the number I entered changed to a different number!
     It also happened to be the same number I had had written in my little notebook.
     Then I remembered:  United changed account numbers.  The number I had originally been given was changed to a different number.  The number on the account was actually my number.
     I had already messaged customer service.  Maybe that is why I have to call them.
     This whole system of passwords, pins and numbers is sooooo confusing.  All I wanted to know is if I have enough miles to fly business class.  (Evidently, I don't, based on Jackie's records.)
     I know the business flight to Switzerland is over $4,200 per person .... one way.... and there is no way I can afford that.
     And my miles don't build up as fast, since I only fly once a year.
    But I am not worried.  Tomorrow night's lottery is well over $100 million and I have the  winning ticket.
     I won't worry about economy anymore.... after I collect my winnings, it will be first class forever.
     Until then, I'll call United and straighten this whole mess out.  I found out if you say, "I'm a senior citizen and these new fangled computers throw me for a loop" I get a whole lot of understanding from the customer service people.
     For some reason, they think I am kidding!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's that time of year again

We took Julia to the airport tonight

     For those of you who know me, that involves some nervousness, apprehension and tears.
     Not ashamed to admit it, I cry.  I start the night before and periodically through the day I just burst into tears.  When she steps into that security check line, I have a hard time seeing clearly.
     Maybe that's why it took me almost 40 minutes to get back to the car and pick Jackie up from door 1F.
     I don't think it was, but lack of concentration could have been an issue.
     After I left the parking lot, I followed the sign that said:  Terminal reentry.
     I followed the road, and found that I was on the arrival deck.  Jackie was waiting at the departure deck.
     Of course, traffic is congested.  Cars stop, taxis cut, buses merge.  So I inched my way past the arrival zone.  I looked for signs.  One said:   City Exit and terminals.  Another said: Terminal reentry.
I took terminal reentry, and was on the same road as the one I just took.  At some point there was a sign that said I could not enter the terminal departure lanes.  It didn't take a sign to tell me that, as there was a median with shrubs and bushes between my lane and where I wanted to go.
     So I drove through the arrival section....again.  Watched for merging  buses, cars that stop and taxis that cut.  When I hit the sign that said:   City Exit and terminals, I took that one.  I drove.  And drove.  And drove.
     At an intersection, there was a left turn lane and a sign that said:  Terminals .  I was in the far right lane.
     Fortunately, I was in a familiar area.  Unfortunately, I remembered the area from when I took John to pick up a rental car.  In keeping with tradition, I made the same turn around as I did last summer.
     I went back to the correct turn lane, reentered the airport and finally got back to where Jackie was patiently waiting.
     I don't think she thought I abandoned her, but that may have entered her head.
     Meanwhile, Julia is comfortably settled in first class, having a glass of champagne or two and taking a Xanix type drug.  (Emily, I know it is not spelled correctly).  That's when they announced a delay because the toilets were frozen on the plane.
     Seriously!  And you know what happens when you can't use a have to!
     Besides champagne, a chair that folds flat into a bed, turn down service for the night, first class allows her to take 70 pound suitcases.....2 of them.  She also checked a third 70 pound bag.  She managed to get her new set of dishes, some clothes, housewares and a kitchen sink on board for the trip to Switzerland.  I don't know how she will manage at Geneva airport.
     In the end, all worked out well.  She took off almost 2 hours late, we made it back home without any problems, and life is settling back into the non Julia routine.
     Excuse me, I have to go get some tissue now.
     Thanks for understanding.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

REally, it's just a rumor but....

I sort of knew about the Swingers Club

     But truthfully, I am the last person to really know about these things.
     When we are out to dinner the other night, the subject of a Swingers Club for couples came up.  And no, we were not talking about one for ourselves, only that there was one operating openly in Rochelle.
     You didn't  know there was a club in Rochelle?  They have a website.  (Yes, I call it fact checking, not porn surfing....but it is there.  If you Google Swingers Club and Rochelle, you'll find it.)
     I was sad to see there were no upcoming events listed.
     I thought perhaps there would be a throw a key in the pile and leave with the person whose key you picked night.  With my luck, I would get the girl who looks like me.  But worse luck, a girl might get a guy who looks like me.
     Or pizza with canolli for dessert night.  Something naughty, but tasteful to fit the advertising standards.
     No mention of dues, but there is a spot for donations.  Just think about that.  There are people dieing of starvation and yet, a Swingers Club has a button for donations.  Priorities.
     Of course, no names are listed.  I am glad to know that.  I don't know if I could look a Swinger in the eye and have a decent conversation that didn't get filled with sexual references every time I said something.
     Rumor has it that the website used to include pictures, although I could not find any.  There are also rumors about where it is headquartered, but I don't want to say.  And please, don't tell me.  I really don't want to know.
    Now, you may have learned something.
    Aren't you glad you read me today??

Monday, January 5, 2015

Did Hemingway have these problems?

I think my career as a travel writer has ended

     I am using the term career loosely.  I had three articles printed in the Sunday Tribune travel section.  Now a lot of people never get one, and I got three, so that in itself is a victory.
     I was paid $300 for the first, $150 for the second, and $75 for the you can see my trajectory was negatively skewed.  Word count was cut in half, then half again, so it's reasonable to assume the money was too.
     Before I went to visit Julia, I sent a list of stories I thought would be of interest.  Sent it twice. Never received an answer.
     In my book, that is a "thanks but we are not interested in you anymore and stop bugging us" response.
     Blaach to them!
     Successful writers develop markets and contacts.  They put a lot of effort into finding an outlet for their creative juices.
     I e-mail one guy.
     I still have an idea of putting all my travel stories into a book and seeing if there is a market for that.
     But then I realize, I will be almost 70 by the time I get that done.  When it becomes a best seller, I'll be too old to make the late night talk show circuit where I'd  sit next to Jennifer Aniston or George Clooney, which means I'll never get invited to his Lake Como house to spend a few days chilling with him and his new bride.
     I  still dream of writing that best seller.  The fact I have not finished any of the four books I started doesn't prevent me from starting a fifth.
     Maybe I should look at it like this blog.  A little bit at a time, one day at a time.
     Set a date, set a target, work at it.
      486 miles to go on a bike, 500 on foot.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

deja vu ... all over again

I have more ups and downs than an Otis!

     As in weight.  On Jan 2, 2014, my blog said I hit 200 pounds.  I made it down to 192 in September, but now I am back at 200!!  Holy crap!
     I wonder why.  In the last couple of weeks I have eaten at Portillo's, Yen Ching, Country School, Beacon on the Green, Aldo's, Alfano's, a pizza  place in Cherry Valley,  a German-Italian restaurant named Himmels in Chicago, plus every cookie I could get my hands on!
     I am like an unleashed beast, craving food at every step.
     But the holidays are officially over.....July 5 is the 12th night, if I count correctly.  Epiphany.  Well, I am having an epiphany about my weight.  Again.
     All the decorations are down and put away.  Check that, two items remain out upstairs and the downstairs tree is still standing.  No hurry.
     Julia is thinking about packing, but I don't think she owns enough suitcases for all her stuff.  She leaves Wednesday, which means I will be an emotional blob for a few days.
     Once she leaves, I will be welcoming snow storms.  Storms coming after she leaves means a hassle free departure for O'Hare.
     It also gives me blocks of time to watch Netflix movies and shows....and maybe get caught up on Downton Abbey.
     And most importantly, ride my exercise bike.  493 miles to go.

Friday, January 2, 2015

change is, no so much

I had two unusual shopping experiences today

     Julia got a present that did not quite match what she needed.  So we took it to a big box electronics store to exchange it for a larger model.
     The man behind the service counter (whom we shall call Frack, for lack of a better name) saw us, and basically ignored us.  The man running the cash register (let's call him Frick, for lack of a better name) saw us,  and told the guy behind the service counter, who said, "It will be a few minutes because I am updating this program."  Frick says, "Should I call a manager?"  Frack says, " will just be a few minutes."
    There are now three of us in line.
    Frick has a customer who is needing a receipt with a rebate.  But he has run out of register paper, halfway through printing the receipt.     Instead of getting a new roll, he goes to the next register and takes that tape. He loads that, but can not reprint the receipt. So he goes to the computer to run if off the website.  Now there are four people in the checkout line, two in the service line because one guy got mad and left.
     Meanwhile, another manager comes to work a register since the line is getting longer and finds out...he has no paper in his machine.  So he takes Frick's paper.  Frick now takes paper from the machine behind the counter.
     Another manager has arrived to help Julia, because Frack can't authorize a return.....which if he had called a manager at the start like Frick suggested, would have gone a long way to getting the process moving.    But this manager  can not log in to the computer.  Ever effort to enter Julia's name comes up with the message, "Unrecognized character."  So they go to another computer.  Same problem.  He tells Julia to come behind the service counter and enter the information.  Same problem.  Different computer.  Same problem.
     The phone is ringing constantly.  "Customer service, you have a call waiting.  Tech, you have a customer waiting,"  keeps blaring over the intercom system.
     The lights are flashing on the phone, it's jangling, the lines are long, Frick is out of pennies for change and has been taking them out of his own pocket, the phone keeps ringing and Frick turns around, hits all the buttons, looks at no one in particular and mutters, "There."
     And there is silence.  For about three seconds, then the phone lines start lighting up again.
     Another employee arrives on the scene.  She says, to no one in particular.  "I am helping a customer looking for a drive.  Someone please answer his questions."  The only people are  Frick running the register, and  the man helping Julia and me, because Frack has run away.
     She picks up the ringing phone, looks for some paper to write notes, finds a used sheet, scribbles out the first note, writes on it and says to me, "I took care of the first one, this guy needs help with a question.  I have another customer waiting." And she leaves.
     Finally Julia manages to access their website on her phone, registers for an account, gets the item returned, and manages to order the replacement......which will arrive Monday.
     Forty five minutes in the store.  Jackie thought we got lost.
     The next stop was 10 minutes away...Irv's Luggage.
     Julia's suitcase broke.  She needed another one.  Irv's is a huge warehouse seller of suitcases and is located in Morton Grove, or someplace.  She had called them last Saturday and they had one in stock she was interested in and were holding it for her.
     We walked into Irv's, were greeted by two sales people, they took her name, went in the back, pulled out the suitcase, and within 5 minutes we were walking out the door with a $300 suitcase that cost her $125.
     Now, who do you think I will do business with again?
     And by the way, neither item was available locally, which means we had to take the buying trip on the road.
     When we checked out at the first place, there was a big red button that said, "That was easy" when you hit it.  I hit it.  The guy waiting on Julia looked at us and said, " Not today.  Today it isn't."

Thursday, January 1, 2015

What have I done?

I seem to have created a monster

     About 10 p.m, I had this strange feeling.  I can't explain it.  Something was missing from my day....something was putting me a little off.
     I tried solitaire.  I tried Facebook.  I checked e-mail.  Nothing.
     Then it hit me:  I missed my blog!
     I missed writing about something mundane and trivial.
     So here I am.
     I hope your new years was fun.  We celebrated at Bart and Laurie's and we played some games.  I think it was "Catch Phrases," but it could have  been something else.
     Anyway, I had to get people to say Netherlands.  So I said, Peter Pan lives here.  And my team mates quickly said Neverland.  Which would have been correct.  Then I reread my phrase.  I added Holland, and an astute player shouted Netherlands.
     Now we were all about the same age.
     Do you know what it is like to play games when half of you can't hear, half of you can't read, and only one or two people can do both adequately?
     It's hard.  But it is also a lot of fun.
     I hope your day was as fun as an Oregon Duck's!!