Friday, May 2, 2014

Here comes the sun....

I am getting depressed

     Tom Skilling, our favorite meteorologist, is getting me depressed.  He said we have only had three hours of sunshine since Monday.
     Or something like that.  To be honest, I am so tired of this weather, I hardly listen to the forecast.  I know I am the only person in the state to feel that way.
     This is starting to affect me.  And not in a good way.
     Chocolate is disappearing at a fast rate in my house.
     I drank muscat wine. Or muscato.  A whole bottle.  OK, it was a four ounce bottle.  But I finished it!
     I thought I got locked out of a room at church because the door would not open.  I pulled and pulled.  It was a push.
     I did a blog full of bad jokes.
     (By the way, why did the dirty turtle cross the ocean?  He needed to get the other Tide!)
     I didn't buy a cookie after the zoo.
     I forgot where I put my sunglasses, it has been so long since I wore them.
     (Why did the turtle cross the road?  To get to the Shell station!)
     I did not sing Go Cubs Go after the win today.
     I didn't even sing the stretch.
     Bring out the sun!  Warm up the temps!
     I always got terribly irritable in January.  And tired.  I think it was seasonal affective disorder.  Yes, I was SAD during those winter months.
     I didn't even order my usual chocolate monkey coffee today at my zoo coffee shop.  I ordered a candy bar latte but it did not have the same zing as the chocolate monkey.
     Sigh.  Maybe a good night's sleep will lead me to a land of sunshine and warmth.  If only in my dreams.


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