Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Things I don't understand

I really get confused by some things

     When a foul ball goes in the stands at Wrigley, everyone scrambles to get it as a souvenir.  But when the opponent hits a home run, the fans yell "throw it back."  And most of the time the poor schmoe who caught it feels he/she has to toss it back.  Sometimes fans have even been physically threatened if they kept the ball.  It's a ball.  It's a game.  Get a grip.
     Fans paid $400 to have their pictures taken with Avril Lavigne.  Now call me crazy, but for $400 I want more than a picture.  And not to show my age, but who the hell is Avril Lavigne??  And how much would people pay to have their pictures taken with me?  Name the amount...I am game.
     Plastic bags.  They are all over the roads, farm fields, on trees, in ditches.  Why not switch to reusable bags?  They are stronger, last a long time, are better for the environment and help conserve petroleum.  Yes, I know, sometimes we forget our bags.  Stores frown on stuffing the goods in your pockets, so once in a while I end up with a plastic bag.  In Europe, they charge you for a bag.  Paper or plastic, you pay about 25 cents for a bag.  You can reuse it, but most people have cloth bags.  The amount of paper bag litter over there is a lot less than here.  We don't need a law to do this, just a commitment by the people!
      How come so many people can't sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game?"  During the Cubs' seventh inning stretch, the singers have ranged from just terrible (Ditka and Ozzie) to barely tolerable.  If you know you are going to sing, learn the words, practice the song, watch a couple of games to get the drift of the thing and channel Harry's tirips, which is spirit spelled backwards.
       Why do so many people toss McDonald's bags onto the rural roads?  Picture this:  You are driving down the road eating a Big Mac and fries, washing it down with a diet pop.  You finish.  Looking around, you suddenly discover you are in the country so you toss the garbage on the road!  These people are either too lazy or too stupid (which is my guess) to hold the bag until they can properly dispose of it.  You say it's too messy?  Then don't eat your damn food in the car!!
     And finally....why do I keep watching!!!!  The Cubs need a lot of Alka Seltzer because they need some relief.


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