Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pull my chains, please

I love my cuckoo clock

     It was a Christmas present several years ago.  Every half hour, the little birdie comes out, and a chimney sweep pops up from the chimney. It is a genuine Bavarian cuckoo clock.
     A few months ago it stopped working.  It would run for a few seconds, then stop.  It was a sick cuckoo.
     So I took it to the clock shop in Sycamore.  Two months ago.
     Since then we have missed the middle of the night cuckoos, the early morning cuckoos, the afternoon cuckoos that would tell me when it was time to get up.  (From my nap!)
     I would walk past its honored place on the wall and instinctively try to pull the non existent chains that give the clock life.  But the chains were gone.
     A little oil, a little adjustment and my clock is working again!  It is back in its rightful place, I have yanked its chains and the chimney sweep is once again making an appearance.
     But the whole experience got me thinking.  The guy at the clock shop (or shoppe, if you are into that) is maybe my age, possibly older.  I have only seen him there, never a helper.
     Who takes over when he decides too much time has passed for him to work?
     So, I thought clock repair person might be a good job for a young person mechanically inclined and patient might get into.
     Then I thought of other occupations that seem to be vanishing:  shoe repair person, tailor, TV repairman, and wondered if these jobs become nonexistent, who will fix the shoes or clocks of the future?
     Will we be doomed to replace our beloved loafers instead of wearing them because a seam ripped?  And if my clock stops, will I be able to find another person to repair it?  (Chicago Clock Co does, but they are in the suburbs....a little drive.)
     I wonder what other occupations people could make a decent living in, if they only knew about the opportunities.
    But then again, things change and now we don't need as many blacksmiths, or telephone operators, so maybe I am just like my clock....a little cuckoo.

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