Thursday, May 22, 2014

Where in the hell are my......

I often can't find things

     Glasses.  Keys. Wallet. Pencil.  At some point during the day, I will lose them.
     This morning, for example, I lost my glasses.  I generally take them off to read.  So I looked in all the reading places:  next to the bed, breakfast spot, bathroom.  I also take them off when I work on the computer.  Looked there, but nothing.
   I looked at Jackie and said, "Have you seen my glasses?"
   Her reply, "No, I can't help you on that one."
    As I went back to recheck all the places, I realized, I had them on!!!  On my nose.  Over my ears.  Covering my eyes.  They were in plain sight and neither one of us could find them.
     So here is a little quiz.   Read the statement.  Then decide if it is me or Jackie who said it.

1.     Have you seen my keys?
2.     I dropped my pills.
3.     What's for dinner?
4.     What did you do with all the money you took out last week?
5.     Why is the light on in the closet?
6.     Where is that thing  I left over there?
7.     What time does Emily work?
8.      I dropped some crackers.
9.     Where is my lens cap...I thought I left it on the counter.
10.    What do you mean it doesn't work?

     OK, me is: 1, 3, 5, 9
     Jackie is:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10

     Both of us:  7

     If you got 8 right, you might as well move in with us because you know us like family!
     If you only got three right, we'd love to have you come over and spend a day with us, maybe do a little yard work or window washing.
     And if you thought I was totally odd, then I guess you know us better than most.


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