Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why does it have to be so hard?

I had a terrible day today

     It started out fine....but about 2 p.m., it quickly descended into a hell on Earth.
     I was cleaning the bathrooms.....and was almost done when someone could not find the checkbook.
    I looked coats and sweatshirts, between cushions on the chairs, under the numerous piles of paper, in the recycle bin, in my car (twice) in her car (twice) and after 25 minutes, we had no idea where it was.
     She had dropped it Sunday getting out of the car.  I picked it up and remember tossing it on the front seat.  But I looked in the car checkbook.
     She determined what checks were missing and called the bank, placing a stop order on the checks.  I had to go in to sign the paperwork.
    Standing in the garage, I took a scene out of NCIC....I reenacted the crime.  I stood by the car, tossed the checkbook.....then looked between the seat and the console and, voila, there it was.
     Now we had to contact the bank and stop the stop order.  
     Figuring it was easier to do that in person, and since I had to go to the store, I left.  Did the bank thing, went to Sullivan's, stopped at Cypress House for a yummy coffee, then headed home to the unfinished bathroom.
     Which I finished...90 minutes after starting.
     Then I dusted and cleaned the wood floors.
     When I was done, it was 5:30 and she made pancakes and bacon....which I love because of the Canadian Maple Syrup John and Emily brought me.
      As I was walking to the chair to catch Big Bang, I tilted my plate and left a trail of syrup across the floor and a puddle on the end table.   And on the chair.  And on me.
       So for the next 15 minutes, while the pancakes cooled to room temperature, I re cleaned the clean floor and discovered it is really dusty, even after cleaning!  I used polish on the table and cleaner on the chair.
      As I worked, I ached.  I had used the treadmill this morning, walking two miles.  Then I came home and went to Emily's to let out the dogs and decided to ride my bike...into the wind....both directions.
My legs felt like rubber.
      But I finished the floor again. I ate my cool supper of pancakes drenched in genuine Maple Syrup and washed down with strawberry Quik.   I got the dishes washed.  Jackie did the last two loads of laundry. (Well actually one load had to be washed twice because something fuzzy in the load got fuzzies all over the rest of the clothes.
     And I now realize how tired I truly am.......but I still have one little job to do.
     But then, it's bed!


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