Monday, May 26, 2014

I can see clearly now....

I might have been an aloof snob in high school

     At graduation from high school, I actually met people I had never seen before. There were a lot of kids in the class, but you would think I would have at least seen some of these people.
     One girl, I think her name was Daryl, actually opened her blouse and asked me if I thought she had a hickey.
    Two thoughts ran through my mind:  What the hell is a hickey?  A girl opened her blouse for me!
    She was tall and good looking, so you would have thought I would have seen her someplace around school.  It marked the first time I had seen a hickey and a bra...and it was almost the last day of high school.
     I spent most of my high school days going to class and seldom talking to anyone. I was shy.  I was quiet.  If I knew you, that was a different story....and it still is.  In a crowd, I become a fly on the wall, hardly making anyone notice me.
    But in high school I had a different problem.  Up until sometime during my senior year, I never wore glasses.  As a matter of fact, I never remember going to an eye doctor.  Sometime between senior pictures and graduation, I got glasses.
     I don't think I recognized people in the hall.  My close friends I could spot a mile away, but people who I was in class with?  They were blurs.
    Then the glasses came and I could recognize people.  I knew most of their names.  But it was too little, too late.  We were almost done with high school and the time for bonding was past.
     At least that is my story and as far as I can see, it is the truth.

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