Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Things I don't understand ..... part two

Sometimes I can't help myself

     I am a secret stock facer.  For those of you who worked in a grocery store, you know what I mean!.  When I worked at a National Tea store (gone, but not forgotten), we had a specific job to do every Tuesday and Friday night.  We would restock shelves, then go down the aisles and pull products to the front of the shelf so it looked as if the shelf was full.  That was called facing.  We had to pull it forward and be sure the label showed.
     Why Tuesday and Friday?  Because Wednesday and Saturday were big grocery shopping days and the managers wanted to have the shelves appear full.  So the truck would come in, get unloaded, and sorted, and we would restock the shelves.  Sometimes we worked past midnight on Tuesdays, which made it hard for the next day at school.
     We have a shelf full of pop in the pantry.  I make sure all the labels are facing the front, and the product is toward the front.
     A minor issue, I am sure.
     God knows what makes me do that in a grocery store.  If I am looking for peanut butter, I will face the section.  When I am done, it looks full.  I did that three times tonight at Woodman' if you are in the peanut butter, V - 8 section, or in the Post cereals, you can thank me for the nice looking shelves.
     I have also done it at Sullivan's, Jewel, HyVee and almost any store I go in.  I can't help it.
     I wonder if someone is watching me ... and thinking I am a shoplifter because I hover in a section, or just a wacko.  I am the latter.  I like doing it.
     Another obsession.  I will spend several minutes debating the merits of packs of toilet paper.  Does the 18 roll family pack offer a better deal than the 24 roll mega roll?  Why do people buy toilet paper one roll at a time?  Don't they ever use the toilet?
     I have a fear we will run out of TP.  I have two 24 packs of the mega rolls in the basement, and two packs stashed under sinks and in closets upstairs.  You can never have enough toilet paper.
     Why do I save nails and screws?  I must have 15 boxes of nails and screws.  I have a organizer with 8 zillion drawers and they all have nails or screws in them.  I have jars with screws and nails.  I have more than enough nails to build two houses.
      Some of them have one or two of a kind....why can't I just toss them?  Same with the screws, odd nuts and bolts.......washers.....strange metal objects that seem to have a life of their own in my basement.
      Why?  The fear that I may need it and not have it.  That's what keeps me from tossing them.  Which strangely, is also the reason I keep buying toilet paper.

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