Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Naked, young, and female....what more could I ask?

I met a young,, naked, blond girl at Skare Park

     To be honest, every red blooded American male (or any male who is alive) has a fantasy about meeting a young, attractive, naked woman in the woods.
     My fantasy actually came true.
     Granted, I did not expect her to be stoned and attending our end of the year school picnic, but she was young and naked.
     We had fourth, fifth and sixth graders out at Skare Park.  At some point, a couple of boys came running to me and said, "Mr. Dickow, there's a naked lady in the park."
     Since I knew they had a terrible sense of humor, I told them I wasn't going to fall for that one.
     Then I looked over to where they were pointing ...and yup, naked as a new born babe from the waist down.  In fact, she was twirling her underwear over her head.
      Those little boys were staring in wide eyed amazement, or fear, I am not sure which.
      The young girl proceed to sit on one of those wooden posts used to separate the parking area from the grass.  She might have been having sex with it, because she was gyrating and moaning quite loudly.  I honestly thought:  Isn't she getting splinters??
     So I went over and talked to her...but it was a one sided conversation.  She was very incoherent.
     In those days, we did not have mobile phones.  So I went to one of the bus drivers and asked him to call the bus garage and have them call the sheriff.
     In the meantime, I told the kids to ignore her as much as possible.  Try getting 10 year old boys to ignore a naked woman.....especially one yelling "F--- Me" at the top of her lungs. I also told the kids we needed an emergency plan.   If she came across the parking lot, we were all to run up to the large shelter and wait for the police.
     Not only did she cross the parking lot, she cornered two boys and asked them if they wanted to, well, you know.
     So I told the kids, "Go to the shelter. Run now."
      I forgot we were ready to start the three legged race.
     Fifth graders began running and falling over each other, a massive tangle of bodies and legs as they fell and more runners fell over them.
     "Untie your legs.  Untie your legs!"  I yelled and they finally got the message.
      After 20 minutes, we left the picnic early and went back to school.  The sheriff's department never came.
      By the time I left school that night, I heard that:  I was attacked by a woman with needles hanging out of her arm; I was hit by a pair of dirty underpants; I was slapped by a girl who wanted to fight (evidently some f words sound the same to 10 year olds) and other wild stories.
     I called the sheriff's department and asked to speak to the sheriff.  I told him how mad I was that this woman terrorized kids and ruined their picnic and no officer responded.
     He checked into it and called me back.   The report from the bus garage was just a naked woman in the park.  No mention of kids, or a picnic.  If there had been, he would have called Rochelle to come out and handle the situation as his men were tied up in some sort of incident.
     Detectives came and questioned me.  I remember the girl had a name...Kristen or something.  Also, although she was blond, she was not a natural blond.....  And her legs and thighs were covered with black and blue marks.
      Within one day of the incident, they arrested a 17 year old Rockford girl.  She told deputies she had been drinking (illegally, obviously) in a bar in Rockford and doing cocaine with two guys.  She remembered a school bus, and some kids yelling, but she did not remember or know how she ended up in the park in Rochelle.
       We talked about it several times over the next two days.  I asked them if they were scared, and they were.  I asked them if they would ever do something like that, and they to a student said no.  I then told them about the girl, her arrest, and her involvement with drugs and alcohol.  They understood that the drugs caused her to do things she would never  normally do, and if it happened to her, it could happen to them.
       I still wonder if that lesson followed them thorough life.
      I have been back in that park countless times since then, and never met another naked woman.  And to be clear,  the fantasy still exists.

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