Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I'm leaving on a jet plane...I wish

I get jealous when people go places

     I have done a lot of traveling, but it is not enough.  If I could, I would leave tomorrow and visit places I have only dreamed of.
     And I can do that, time wise.  Money is a little iffy, but I have plenty of time.
     When I hear of people going places, I get a little envious and ask myself, "Why can't I go there?"
     Julia has a friend that stays at a resort near the Philippines.  It looks totally awesome from the pictures he posts.  Clear lagoons, nifty houses, sandy beaches.  Every time I see a picture, I want to go there.
     When friends talk about Las Vegas, I have a desire to just get on a plane and go.  I have never been there, and it sounds amazing.
     It happens all the time.  I see a picture of downtown Havana, Cuba, and I look for a trip through an approved agency.
     Floating down a river in Europe?  I go to a cruise line web site and sign up for e mails.
     I dream of going to the Price of Wales hotel in Canada.  I want to have the $40 high tea in the grand hall.
     Wanderlust.  I am filled with it.  I was born with it.  I have tried to control it, but it is no use. I get consumed with traveling.  Costa Rica, the Bahamas, upstate New York, Yosemite National Park, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Alamo, WW I battle fields, underground tours in Berlin......
     My mind races with the places I would love to go.
     But unless I win the lottery, I don't think all those plans will come true.
     At the same time, I have been to Europe a lot.  Most people go once in their lifetime.  I go once a year.
     I have had more opportunity to travel than I ever dreamed of....and yet, I still have a yearning for more.
     I guess I should have been a travel writer or photographer.  Maybe I could have made a living doing what I love.
     Maybe there is a tv show in the making called "Old People Travel the World" and I could be the host.
     Jackie is quite content to stay close to home.  She enjoys the visits to Julia.  She enjoyed them much more 10 years ago when mobility was not such an issue.
     Such is life.  I'll continue buying lottery tickets.  And I'll continue dreaming.  Someday, I may actually win....and I'll be prepared.

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