Thursday, May 29, 2014

I was going for the sweep....

I had a push broom in my car  three days

     I had intended to sweep Emily's garage floor, so I put the broom in my Honda.  That was Monday.  I took it out today, because I have a zoo day tomorrow.
     I just thought it might look funny to have a push broom in my Civic.  The broom is kind of big, and my Honda is kind of small.
     But there is another issue going on here.  Why do I take such lousy care of my cars?
     I have had the Honda since November and have not washed it or vacuumed it yet.  I should have waxed it, but I have not.  Tonight I pulled out napkins, notes, receipts, an empty coffee cup....and the broom.
     I opened the trunk and took out the mower gas container carrier.  Ever since the unfortunate 2 gallon spill in my last Honda, I have carried the gas can in a Tupperware container.  I don't want to make the same mistake as last year, which ended up in a new car.
     I went to DeKalb today and could not see out the windshield.  There was a film on the inside, and the outside must have a bug magnet.  I cleaned it....maybe for the first time.  Hopefully tomorrow the glare won't be bad and I'll see the road better.
     I left the shoe (I am sure there are two, but I only saw one), shorts, bike helmet, water bottle, and six pens that seem to have accumulated.
     I know I am bitchy....but I don't understand how I can have messes like that!  My car, the garage, my basement storage area, computer desk...all look like some kind of paper/dust monster regurgitated on it, or in it, and walked away.
     This weekend I have a a goal:  vacuum my Honda.  It's not a big goal, but it's a start.
     Understand I clean bathrooms every week and they are spotless.  I dust regularly, clean the floors several times a week, keep the kitchen fairly neat.....but other areas just get ignored.
     Like the car.
     I need to show that baby a little love.

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