Monday, May 5, 2014

My sentiments exactly, Mr. Obnoxious guy

I can't remember when the Cubs won with me there

     It seems everyt time I go, they lose.  I carry my Cubs W flag, I root, root for the Cubbies but it doesn't seem to work.  I did go to a game in Pittsburgh when they won....but that was two years ago.  Or maybe 3.
     I have seen them drop balls, miss cut off men, get picked off, walk in runs.  I went to a playoff game when they committed five errors in one inning!
     Maybe I am the goat!  True, that doesn't explain all the years since the last Series appearance, but could explain the period from 1960 to now.
     I am used to it.
     Last night when leaving the ball game, we were behind a group of three younger men.  One of them said he was sick of seeing losing teams in Chicago.  He said he followed the Bears, the Cubs, The Sox, the Bulls....but he did not mention the Blackhawks.  I am sure he followed them as well.
     He described the teams with a certain common verb, that sounds a lot like duck.  Duckin' Cubs, Duckin' get he idea.
     He must not have been around for the golden years of Michael Jordan, or the middle success of the Bears, or the White Sox World Series win.
     But it is frustrating to be a Cub fan, and maybe a White Sox fan this year, and last year.
     But I'll go back...maybe to see the Yankees when they come to town.
     Because of the people.
     Last night we met a man who actually had a talking dog!  It was a little brown guy with a white muzzle and the man was standing on a street corner with a sign offering to sell the dog for only $200.
     We stopped and asked him him if the dog really talked and to prove it to us.
     "Ask it a question," he said.
     So, I asked, "How does sandpaper feel?"
      "Ruff," went the dog.  I was skeptical.
     "What's over your head ?" I asked.
     "Roof," barked the dog.  I think he was just lucky.  I was thinking sky.
     "Who is the best ball player ever?" I asked.
      "Ruff.  Ruff," went the dog.
      I walked away.  I knew it was DiMaggio.


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