Friday, May 9, 2014

Baby, I got wood

I seem to have a stockpile of lumber

     And that is not what you expected to read, is it?  (Many of my friends are closet perverts.  They would take the wood comment in a sexual way.  But you, who are extremely intelligent and sophisticated, as evidenced  by your reading this blog, are different.  My hat is off to you.)
      We have lived in this house for 16 months.  I seem to have collected a lot of odds and ends in the wood line.
     There are three 4 x 8 sheets of plywood in the grass.  Been there since we moved in.  This week, I am going to cut them up and get rid of them.
      In the garage, I seem to have a little bit of everything that has no use.
      I have some 2 x 4 material, none of it longer than two feet.  And some 1 x 6, which I think I used to hang my bike from the least I will use it for that some day.
     When they put in the wood floors, I asked that they save the trimmings.  It was unfinished oak, so I thought it would be hot to burn it at night in the fall, when the stars are out and the bugs are gone.  Fall came and went, but the wood didn't.
     When I cut wood for bird houses, I ended up with a garbage can full of weird sizes of 1 x 6...none of them longer that 5 inches.  I think I will use that in the fall burn.  I can imagine sitting outside, having a hot tea, watching the fire and the stars.
      Maybe I can put it all on the pallet I have inherited from someplace.  The problem with burning that is the nails...but every upside  has a downside.
     In the basement I have a really nice piece of trim......not sure where it should have gone.  Plus some 1 x 3 boards, again no longer than two feet.  Burn it, you say?  Of course.
     I have two dead trees....small ones, to be sure....but I think I will burn those also.
     So this fall, if you look out to the west and see a huge orange flame, don't panic.
     It'll just be me, getting rid of my wood.


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