Friday, May 23, 2014

Are the stars out tonight, I don't know if it's cloudy or bright

I will once again attempt to experience nature's phenomena

     I know there is a meteor shower tonight.  I know the best viewing is between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.  I know someone is coming tomorrow at 7 a.m. to spray for weeds.  I know that.  But I will still try to stay awake long enough to see the incredibly difficult to pronounce meteor showers.
     Nothing good ever comes of this.
     Blood red moon eclipse?  Clouds at the last second.
     Perseid meteor showers?  Rain.
     You name an astronomical event in the past 5 years and I have either missed it because I fell asleep or it was crappy weather.
     But tonight is going to be good.  Had some high octane coffee on the way home from the zoo, to start with.  Although I have to admit I am a little tired now.  And frustrated, after listening to San Diego build a 7-0 lead in the third inning.  The caffeine has not worn off, just taken a break from causing me to lay (lie?) awake in bed until who knows what time in the morning.  However, I seem to have become sullen and morose in the past hour, which could be the lull before the storm.
     And the weather is perfect.  No clouds.  Not a bright moon.  Great for viewing shooting stars.
     I even have grass to lay (lie?) down on and stare upwards.  If I do that in the front yard, I run the risk of being seen by neighbors, who may think the old guy on the block has either collapsed after yard work or drunk himself into a stupor.  Star gazing may not be a consideration.  Funny, how I think the first two would be possibilities thought by my neighbors.
     If I lie (lay) in the back yard, I run the risk of becoming food for ravaging coyotes who will feast on my body because I fell asleep despite the high octane beverage.  Or I may be mistaken as a shy doe by some raving buck who has all the antlers but none of the questions.
     In either case, I will try.
     I happen to notice that 5,974 page views have been one of you could be the 6,000 person to read (read?) this blog.
     Congratulations on your intelligence!!

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