Thursday, September 5, 2024

ho hum

 Just another day in paradise

    I did manage a short nap.  I emphasize the word short.

    We have a cleaning lady who comes every other week.  So today while she was here I tried to grab a nap on my front porch chair.  

    I have a hard time, again, getting to sleep at night.   Too many thoughts running thru my head.  Like, the word thru.  It can also be spelled through.  The publisher of the Tribune back in the 20s insisted on thru because it was easier for the reader and type setters. I can imagine him pushing tho for though.  But I digress.

    I took a couple of items down to Pickin Station.  Linda and I no longer have a booth, but we can leave items on consignment.  I had some train related stuff, and since the Big Boy is going to be in town, large crowds are expected.  I hope some of them visit a lot of our stores.  I hope someone buys my stuff foo.

    For those of you who don't know, Big Boy is a steam driven engine.  A huge steam driven engine.  It tours the country for the Union Pacific and draws huge crowds of train enthusiasts.  Our public viewing day is Sunday out at the intra modal facility. (Or inter modal.....I don't know and I don't care.)

    Several people have told me crowds of up to 30,000 are expected. 

    I missed it the last time it stopped in Rochelle.  Jackie and I were visiting Julia in Switzerland, and I think Emily went down to take pictures but the place was packed.  Hopefully viewing will be easier this year.

    I also stopped at Cypress House for a decaf Dark Side of the Moon.  I am having trouble handling caffeine.  I had some iced tea yesterday and tossed and turned until all hours.  Hopefully tonight will be better.

    Big change a comin' in our weather!!  Just hope it rains.

Peace and Love

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