Friday, September 13, 2024


 I tackled our kitchen floor again today

    If you don't know, it was covered in watermelon juice yesterday after a melon exploded on my counter.

    We Bona mopped it several times.

    Today I took some water, put a little Dawn in it.... like 4 drops....and got on my hands and knees to wash it.  Again.

    Well, it isn't sticky.  But it isn't slick either.  

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    We took Jackie out to see Julia's house today and met the next door neighbor.  She seems very nice and explained some of the rules for the subdivision.  Julia has a copy of the covenants, but the lady just wanted to make sure Julia knew to look them over.

    I think they have a quiet hour, but I am not sure.

    That's not a bad idea.

    After 9 p.m., no loud noises, barking dogs, fireworks, screaming.

    But I would like to see some other covenants. 

    By the way, for those of you not sure, covenants are not enforceable by a city or township.  In Illinois they are only enforceable by residents of the subdivisions. If someone breaks a covenant, the subdivision association or a homeowner can sue, in civil court, to be sure the covenants are enforced.

    Covenants I would like to see include:

    No mowing day.  One day a week, decided by a vote each November, will be mower and leaf blower free.

    Wine day. Every Friday evening, from 6 to 7, a neighbor will host a wine or refreshment night in their driveway. ( I actually got that idea from Dan and Linda.  Their new residence has something like that and they really get to know their neighbors.  We met at Acres Bistro for a glass of red yesterday and spent over an hour catching up.  It was a lot of fun.  Theirs might be once a month though.  Digression over.)

    The subdivision will have names that reflect the area accurately.   We once lived on Mill Pond, but there was no mill or pond.  Our subdivision is Hickory Ridge, but finding a hickory tree takes a bit of looking once your get past the first road.  Emily lives in Cherry Hill.  No cherries and not much of a hill either.

    Across the road from us is Indian Creek.  No creek and certainly named prior to the PC emphasis in our country.

    So be honest.   Former Cornfield Estates.  Soy Bean Acres.  Crabgrass Acres.  Honest.  Real.

    Digression 2.  Julia is building in a wooded area.  There are 3 or 4 huge trees right next to her house.        They all hang over the house.  I don't know what kind of trees they are, but I looked at them and said, "I love threes....but these have to go."  With the severity of storms increasing, the likely hood that one or more of these trees will come crashing down on her house also increases.

    I think the builder has reached the same conclusion.  A crew is coming out to remove the ones hanging over the house.  It's a shame, but for safety sake it needs to be done.

    Hopefully she will get some firewood out of the removal.

    That's my covenant for tonight.

Peace and Love

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