Tuesday, September 17, 2024

grill not

 I am a little frustrated tonight

    We went to DeKalb for towels.  I know.  But we went.  Stopped at Ollie's.  Should have called Barb, but didn't.

    Also stopped at Headon's on the way home and bought some brats for supper.

    I boil them in beer for about 20 minutes, then grill them.

    Except tonight, I did not grill them.

    The damn grill didn't light.

    This happened the other day, but I used a butane torch to light it.  That did not work tonight. 

    The electric starter is dead (yes I tried changing batteries)  and now it appears the regulator is dead.  Again.  So the question is do I try to get it fixed or replace it?

    And can I fix it myself, or is that above my pay grade?


    I got a Black Forest sundae at Ollie's.  That is vanilla custard, hot fudge, and cherry topping.  

    It was delicious, and I sat in the shade so I did not make a mess in the car.  Jackie had a cone and sat in the car.  Don't think that is strange.  She sits on my deaf ear side and I can't hear much of what she is saying anyway.

    I had to run into the car when hundreds of yellow jackets swarmed the sundae!  Well, maybe not hundreds but certainly a dozen or so.  Or maybe it was just one.  A byway, I shooed it away and finished in the car.

    Little black bugs drove me in from the patio tonight.  I was enjoying the night air, supper, a magazine and a mojito when I started getting bites from itty bitty little bugs.

    Being highly biting insect intolerant, I went int the house to finish.

    As we drove to DeKalb, and as I sat on the patio, I could not help but notice how dry everything is.  The weather has been dry for at least a week, if not more, and it doesn't look promising for the rest of the week.

    Our part of the Illinois is in drought stage....and that is not good.

    Hopefully Mother Nature will turn on the spigot soon.

Peace and Love

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