Wednesday, September 18, 2024

whine, whine , whine

 I should have been born rich instead of good looking

    Laugh, but I was a darn cute baby! 

    My mother entered me in a baby contest once and the judges said she had to take me home because I was making the other babies cry.  With envy.

    It wasn't until later in life I developed a goiter and rather plain looking features.

    But, that is not the gist of my mindless ramblings tonight.

    Years ago, police in Switzerland fined a driver 1 million franc for speeding.  In Switzerland, police and courts take into account how fast you were going, where you were speeding, the car, and your personal wealth.

    So rich people who speed pay more than poor people who speed.

    I think that is fair.

    I saw an article the other day where Swiss police pulled over a man for speeding.  No speed was given, but he was driving a Pagani Huayra Codalauga.  

    I have never heard of this car and for good reason.  This one was valued at $7.6 million!  For a freakin car!!

    Its top speed is rated at 274 miles per hour!  Holy crap!

    I believe the driver was on his way to Verbier, an upscale ski resort town close to where Julia used to live.  In fact, she has friends that live there or have a vacation home there, but none of them drive this style of car.

    On the positive side, 274 miles per hour does reduce your commute time.  

    Speaking of being rich.

    Michael Jordan may have sold his home in the suburbs.  It was listed for something like 49 million, but the purchase price is somewhere north of 20 million.

    For a house.

    Yes it has a pool and NBA regulation basketball court, but still.

    Imagine taking 20 million less on your home when you go to sell it.  That's close to me selling our house for half of what it is worth.

    Finally, we have had 2 houses in our subdivision listed for over $400,000 and they both sold very quickly.  That may not help my property tax bill when they reassess in a few years.

    I told Jackie we should sell ours and move into a care facility.  She said no.

    Hell, where would I grow cucumbers if we did that?

Peace and Love

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