Monday, September 16, 2024


We have new credit cards 

    Our old ones expired.

    In the old days that was not a big  issue.  But now days, it is.

    We do a lot of donations, subscriptions, and regular payments on line, using our credit card.  So today, I spent most of my afternoon, well a lot of my afternoon.....ok, some of my afternoon trying to notify people of the change.

    Some were easy.  I called, talked to a human, and made the change.

    The worst one was Sirius.  I needed my radio number to make th exchange, or my account number.  I figured the radio number was easiest.  Go into the car, turn on the radio, hit 0 and get the number.  

    First off, I could not figure out how to hit 0.  I know, everyone in the world can figure that out but me.

    Next, I had to read the number and write it down.

    Well, let me tell you, that was no easy task!  I used a magnifying glass (thanks Darci) and wrote the first 4 numbers down and it shut off.  So I did it again, wrote the next 5 numbers down, and it shut off.  I finally got all the numbers written down, but it was a challenge.

    I went back into the Sirius website and entered my number only to find out my number does not exist.

    Back to the car.

    Checking the numbers what I wrote as a 3 was actually a B and my 5 was really an 8.

    Back inside, enter the numbers and ...... my number does not exist.

    Back to the car to double check and I discover I wrote one number down twice in the sequence.

    Go back inside , enter it again and voila!  Success!!

    That single change took probably half an hour, but it got done.

    Today we made refrigerator pickles.  

    I have a cucumber problem.  I let them go too long and they get huge and yellow.  I know I should go out every day and check, but I don't.  If I go out once a week it's a miracle.

    Jackie wanted to make 5 or 6 small jars, but we only. had 3 lids.  So I went to the store and bought lids.

    I boiled the lids today not realizing there were 2 difference that fit our jars, one that did not.

    I bought the ones that did not.

    The next challenge was to find 3 jars for the new lids, sanitize them, and use those jars, which we did.

    It is really a challenge being me sometimes.

    If anyone wants giant, yellow cucumbers, come on over.

    Or if you are looking for some delicious tomatoes, I can help with that too.

Peace and Love

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