Saturday, September 7, 2024

Holy cow

 Today was.a pretty historic c day

    NIU beat Notre Dame in football.  At. Notre Dame!

    I watched/heard 3/4 of the game and every time ND got the ball, I figured it was going to be over soon.  But that never happened.

    Years ago, when Northern was first starting to step up, I watched the Huskies beat....Bowling Green?  Kent State?  Friend David from Maryland was there, and if I remember it was cold and rainy.  It might have even been homecoming.  It was the first time NIU beat a MAC school. 

    That was exciting, but does not compare to the ND win.

    To be truthful, I told someone it was being like lambs being led to slaughter and wondered why they would agree to play a football powerhouse on. their turf.  Boy, was I wrong.

    Jackie felt better tonight, so we went to see Godspell.  The VCCT folks did a great job with the show. 

    Of course, I could not hear the dialogue very well, and some of the singers were hard for me to get, but I enjoyed the show.  I just do not like listening to things in mono. 

    My frog friend is not by the light tonight.  I guess it is too cold for him.  The temp on the car read 52.  I guess Autumn is coming.

    I still have trouble sleeping.

    Last night I went back to my comfort blanket, the one I have been using for the past year or so.

    I got so hot, I was sweating.

    So I got up and used my cooling blanket.

    After a few minutes I was very cold, so I got my third blanket, the sleeping bag insert.  I also took a sleeping aid at about 2:30.  That always seems to be the magical time for me.  I get up to pee, get a drink, grill a steak, pee again, at 2:30.  I think I have an alarm in my head.

    Beth sleeps in Julia's bed.

    I can't remember if it was last night or the night before.

    I was wondering the house, then went back to bed and Beth started barking insanely!  The neighbors to our west had their motion detector light on in the back, and I think Beth detected a deer.  I took her out and she sniffed like crazy around the yard.

    After she went back to Julia's bed, I went to bed and Beth whined and whined until Julia took her out....on a leash, just in case.

    That dog must have a great sense of smell.

    Tomorrow will be a busy, busy day for me.  I wonder if I will do all I want to do.

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love

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