Thursday, September 12, 2024


 We had 2 minor explosions at home this week

    No, do not fret.  We are not harmed.  The house is fine.  

    I bought a new toy at HyVee on Monday.

    It works on the same principle as the apple slicers.

    I also bought a watermelon Monday.  I told Julia I wanted her to take a video of me cutting the melon this afternoon.

    At 6:30 this morning, she woke me up and told me to come into the kitchen.

    Here is what I. found.

    I have never seen a watermelon explode!  For  some reason, this one did.  It was fine last night!

    After it exploded it seeped down he front of the cabinet and into the silverware drawer, the towel drawer, and the foil and wax paper drawer.

     And it covered half the kitchen floor.

    And it smelled.  A terrible smell that still lingers in the house.

    So, Julia and I started cleaning up.  I realized  the silverware had to be washed, the silverware divider tray had to be washed, and so did the towels and other linens in the second drawer.  The bottom drawer also had some juice, but not as much.  All we had to do was toss out some packaging.

    We mopped up the floor with rags.  While I cleaned out the drawers, Julia mopped the floor with our Bona cleaner.  Then she mopped them again.  Then she went to work and I mopped again.  And again.

    Meanwhile, 2 loads of laundry were done, one with the rags, the other with the soiled dish towels.

    The dishwasher had been started.

    The drawers were cleaned;  wiped down my Julia, waxed by me, and the fronts were wiped off and waxed.

    And I did the floor again, this time breaking the Bona mop.

    The floor still does not feel right.  It is not sticky, but it is not smooth either.  I think tomorrow I will get on my hands and knees and do it again.

    The other explosion happened Tuesday night.  Jackie and I were watching the Cubs game from bed.

    The Cubs' pitcher put a Dodger on base in the ninth inning.  The runner made it to third in a 6-3 ballgame, so he really didn't matter much.

    The batter was Max Muncy, who is a power hitter.  The pitcher got 2 pitches into the at bat and had a panic attack, grabbing his chest, bending down, breathing hard.  After the trainers checked him out, he threw a really bad pitch.  His next pitch was cranked in the air.  Everyone thought it was a home run.  Fans in the stands were reaching out to catch the ball.

    PCA, or Pete Crow Armstrong, came out of center field, leaped in the air like he was going for a dunk, and grabbed the ball right in front of a fans hands!  I gave a yell, followed by a loud "holy cow!"

    I told Jackie I was putting the W flag out right then, and clomped through the house, turned on the lights, and stepped outside.

    I found this.

    Only it wasn't on may chair, it was sitting right in front to the door.  So I said, "Hey little,buddy!  You can't sit here!  Don't you have a home?  You'll get squashed here."

    Julia came out of the bedroom and  asked, "What's wrong?  Who are you talking to?"

    I then explained the PCA catch.  She is not a baseball fan.  And I told her I was talking to a frog.

    She said, '"It's after midnight I was asleep.  I thought something was wrong. with all the yelling and stamping around."

    She went to bed, I went to bed.  I don't know where the frog went.

    Tomorrow I'm buying another watermelon.

Peace and Love 

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