Monday, September 2, 2024

Labored day

 I had a great day today

    Emily, Sheri and I went to the Ren Faire today in Bristol, WI.

    This was the last day for the faire.  I have not been since pre Covid times and I really appreciated going today.

    I walked a lot, ran out of steam, laughed, ate, and had a great time.

    So..... instead of words, pictures.

Peace and Love

The Queen

I loved her eyes

Scooby Doo and who?

She was really enjoying the ice cream

Mother Goose was there

MoonIe is always a hit.  He told me before the show this was his last performance on the rope.  35 years is long enough, he said.

Sometimes getting up on the rope can be a problem

He tossed the hat up from his foot and balanced it on his nose!

This is an insult game.  Object is to hit the man with a tomato.  This thrower managed to score a hit and earned lots of insults.

Care to throw a knife?

Or scale a wall?

Turkey legs are the best!!

My hero!

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