Wednesday, December 28, 2016

it's resolution time

I am thinking about resolutions for 2017

     2017...boy, is that strange to write!
     What happened to the 90s?  Or the first decade of the 2,000s?
     Time seems to be flying past at a rate that would have been impossible to conceive when I was a lad of 17.
     As this year nears a close, I decided to think about resolutions a little.
     You know the usual:  lose weight, eat better, be more compassionate; be nicer; put away my dirty underwear and socks.
     But since I fail at every single one of those, I need something different.
     Writing this blog was a resolution.  Now it is an addiction for me.  I can't stop. (yes, Beth, I know)
     But I need something that is challenging for me yet something that I can accomplish.
     I am putting on my thinking cap.  In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, let me know.
     Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go exercise.  I have 20 pounds to lose by Jan. 1.


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