Friday, December 30, 2016

it's a birthday!

I am approaching the end of year 3 of this blog

     I enjoy writing it, although sometimes it is hard to get it done.  I may be tired, or had a little too much wine, or just plain sometimes, not often, I miss a night.
     I appreciate all your comments and your reading of this.  I really do. we approach the New Year, I am almost prepared.  I bought a new calendar, so I can write down all the important dates.
     Like when I leave for Europe.  Or when Hamilton is.  Or when I have to dog sit.
     That way I won't miss out.
     I have a notebook where I list things I want to see, books I want to read, movies I want to see.
     I have written down the Chinese terra cotta warriors.  I wrote this down in the beginning of summer.  The warriors leave Jan. 8....and I don't know if I will get to see them.
     So one of my NYR (that's New Year's Resolution, although if I spell it out after using it, it really is not saving time or space) is to not only write things down, but to read the information from time to time so I don't miss something I want to see.
     I do have written down Jan. 5 as the day Julia leaves.   That's Thursday.  If someone wants to ride along to the airport that would be great.  You can drive while I dry my eyes.

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