Tuesday, December 27, 2016

and...it's on!

I think I was challenged today

     If not directly, then indirectly.
     My manhood was questioned, as was my ability to get off my duff and exercise.
     I was talking to a guy in the store.......if I say much more about him, you may recognize him.
     Suffice it to say he knows everything, everyone, and every one's business.
     He also likes to ride his bike.
     So I mentioned I finally cracked 400 miles sometime in November.
     He looked at me and said 400 miles?  400 miles.  I rode 950 and I am much older than you.
     Then he said two years ago he had 1,500 miles in for the year.  Two years ago he was still older than me, or at least than I am now.
     So, I have to put more effort into riding.  I know I don't ride in the rain, heat, cold, wind, days when there is a possibility of rain, or wind, or on days with an R in them.  I always seem to have an excuse.  I'm tired.  I'm hot. I'm not feeling well.  I have to do something.  Waa Waa Waa.
     Sherri, Todd, Ann, and anyone else who reads this who rides, you have to get me out there.  The bike path extension to Highland will be open in the spring, which makes getting into town easier.
     This blog started because I wanted to prove a point.
     Hopefully, next year I will have proved a second point.  Hopefully.
     As long as it doesn't rain, or get too hot.  Or windy.  Waa Waa Waa

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