Thursday, December 29, 2016

I'm feeling the power

I am thinking of creating a super hero

     Actually, I have been thinking of a new type of super hero for a long time.  Well, at least 10 minutes.
     All the good super powers have been taken.  There are super heroes with unbelievable strength, x ray vision, the ability to fly, run fast, withstand explosions, fire, ice and anything else that a villain throws at them.
     So, what's left?
     I thought about a super hero who can read minds, but that seemed kind of boring.
     How about a super hero with a super sense of smell?  He/she could smell gun powder, for example, and detonate bombs or point out and disarm armed criminals.  Probably the NRA would complain.  But maybe a deodorant company would help sponsor my hero?  Again, maybe lame.
     Then I realized my new super hero.
     Halitosisman, or woman, or girl, or boy.
     My hero would have really bad breath.  Say there is a bank robbery and a hostage situation, Halitosiswoman goes in and exhales, disabling all the robbers without firing a shot.
     Or a crowd is formed to riot.  Halitosisboy is on the scene and just breathes out at them and they gag and disperse.  This would be a great super hero for a mall.
     It would have to be bad breath summoned on command, otherwise he/she/it could not deal with people on a daily basis.  Unless it was by telephone.
     Anyway, that is my super hero.
     Now, to find an artist to illustrate the still to be written comic.......

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