Thursday, December 22, 2016


I got one of those calls today

     I did not recognize the number, but I answered it.
     A man said he was from the tech squad and was calling about a problem with my computer.
     I said, "Please stop calling me.  This is a scam.  I know it, you know it.  Why don't you get a life?"  The guy hung up.
     Within the next 10 minutes I got two more calls, one from the same number.
     I don't know if it does any good reporting the call, because there have to be so many calls!
     The sad fact is that these people prey on the elderly and the naive.  And those people are often victims, spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on fake cures or false claims.
     I guess I go back to answering only calls I recognize.  That means I would have missed the snow blower guy.  Now, that's another funny thing.  My snowblower stopped working and is now fixed....but there is not chance for a major snow in the forecast.
     Dumb luck?  Or is someone with great power running a scam?
     Time will tell.

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