Sunday, December 4, 2016

like a bird

My flight was pretty darn neat

     There were 340 people on the was a big sucker.
     My premier economy seat was roomy and comfy with plenty of leg space.
     The guy sitting next to us was young and did not speak much English.  He did cough and sneeze a lot, and spent the 8 hour flight with his winter coat on and huddled under the blanket.  Now my nose is stuffed.
     But he did show me how to raise my tv screen from the side of the chair, where to plug in my earphones, and how to pull out the footrest.  For a sick, non speaker, he was actually quite helpful.
     Getting through the airport was almost a disaster.
     My connecting flight left from A, so I followed the signs to A.  Julia said I would hit a passport control, so when I came upon a passport control I followed the crowd to the end of the line.
     As I was standing there looking for signage, I noticed a trickle of people going down the unmarked hallway.
     I had my travel packet in my hand, and a gent came up and asked me if I was taking a connecting flight.  I said I was, and he told me I was in the wrong place, that I should continue down the hallway.
      I did.  I came up to a checkpoint and gave him my passport, but he needed my boarding pass.  So I stepped aside and found that, surprised that I actually had one.  I had printed it off at home and forgot about it.
     Finally passport control and surprise!  A security checkpoint.  So I put all my stuff in trays and walked through.
     Only to be called over by the screeners.
     "Do you have bottled water in your coat?" he asked.
     Oh my gosh, I am sorry, yes.  I forgot it.  Had a couple of swallows then it got tossed.
     "Have you a tablet in your carry on?  Please remove it."
     Oh my gosh, I am sorry, yes.  I forgot it.
     I know the line was now thinking crazy old Americans.....but I got through the line, made the plane, made the train by two minutes and got to Vevey where Kevin and Christina were there to pick me up and take me to Julia's.
     And they brought fresh bread!
     I took a short nap but it is now about 8:30 and my eyes are getting very heavy.
     Temps are supposed to be in the 50s this week.....snow is melting....higher elevations have not had much snow this year.....could be tough sledding.

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