Sunday, December 18, 2016

baby, it's cold outside

I knew it was cold today

     I actually saw birds begging to get into my house.
     Two deer from the park came over and went into my garage.
     I dropped my tea on the way to the car and by the time it hit the ground it was all ice.
     Corki has left little icicles throughout the yard.
     I know none of this is funny, but neither is the cold!
     I have had more hot drinks today than I have ever had!  Right now I am having a hot toddy because my cough is worsening.  Maybe it will let me sleep until morning.
     Then I can call the lawn mower people because my snow blower stopped blowing today.  Maybe it got too cold to work, but I nearly froze my toucass (and I have no idea if that is spelled anywhere near correct) off trying to get it to work right and it never did.  Grrr.
     I am beginning to reevaluate this living in northern Illinois concept.
     A state government that does not work, weather that is too cold or too hot, crumbling roads, disappearing jobs, politicians who care more about power than the people.......what the hell are we doing here?
      Maybe it's the toddy talking, but I am ready to move.
      Or at least hire somebody to clear the driveway for the rest of my life.....not sure which yet.
     I knoiw.  I haves to spot bitche n because that doesnt' do any goode.  I just wondererer if this toddy with onhey and sseeegrams will have any effeclt on me.
     Oops....I goofed.
     Good nighghty

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