Sunday, December 11, 2016

too much food

I have had too much to eat

     Raclette, crepes, sausages, meats, cakes, candies......tooo much food!  Yet, I keep eating!
    Today we went to Craig and Yvonne's for some raclette.  It was good!
     The best part is visiting with Craig and Yvonne and their two adorable girls.  They speak French, and are my tutors whenever I visit.
     The oldest told me I spoke much better than last time.
     Aside from that, it was a dreary day.  Clouds covered the lake and mountains.  I got a late start to the day  because of a late night partying with the Swiss group.
     So...just a few pictures of the last couple of days.

Sawovarski crystal tree in the Zurich train station

The tree in the Zurich Christmas market

Christmas gingerbread

Skating at the Zurich Christmas market

Life is too short

so we did

Zurich Christmas market

Now that's a food truck!

Trams are good transportation in European cities like Zurich

This may be hard to see....but there is a trampoline on the first balcony.  A rope from above provides a quick way down

Recycling the Swiss only

In a local market in Megan and Mike's town, which I can't spell or pronounce

Cheese is everywhere

With the help of William and Elizabeth, the wood got stacked!i

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