Tuesday, December 13, 2016

all good things must end

This is my last day, and I'm sad

     Usually I am sad because I leave Julia behind, but this time she is coming with!
     So, why am I sad?
     It's 50 degrees here.  There is no snow.
     It is cold and snowy in Chicago.
     But, all things have to end.
     So...comments in random order.
     Lunch at Nestle today was great!  Wonderful food and service, plus I got to talk to John and Kirsty and I met two new people.
     Julia has lots of great friends.
     There are a lot of Christmas markets.
     Starbucks here is as good as home, except they don't have peppermint.
     I spent a lot of money.  (sorry Jackie!)
     The Manor store is awesome.
    I don't know if I can fit everything in my suitcases.
    Nothing beets a walk into town for getting the brain clear and the body awake.
     I still don't understand French.
     There are a lot of interesting people and places in Switzerland.
     Are you listening?????
     This has been a great  trip.
      I enjoyed seeing my nephew and his family again.....too long between visits.
       We have to leave the house at 4:30   A.m.

And now for some pictures.

So long grand pine!

Yes, flowers are still  blooming

Graffitti is everywhere

You can see Julia's old house in this picture.

More flowers  blooming

Police are watching

This haze seemed to be everyday

a fireplug

Noel city at Vevey

A persimmon tree

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