Saturday, December 31, 2016

the end is near

Seems like a good night to ponder the year

     I know 2016 was an up and down year.  Hell, it was like a roller coaster for a few months!
     In truth, I am a little sad to see this one go.  I am going to focus on the highs....the top ten bestest things in my life this year.
10     The house looks good.  My front door is finished.  This may not seem like a big thing, but it drover me batty every time I looked at it!  We hired a man to come in and stain the interior and paint the exterior.  I should have done that years ago.  Plus, we tiled around our new counter tops in the kitchen.  Now if I could just clean up my messy basement.
 9   Riding my bike.  I managed to get in just over 400 miles this summer.  As you know, I don't ride in cold, heat, wet, windy, cloudy or sunny conditions, so that left only a few days.  Thanks to the people who rode with me from time to time.
8      People.  When I went to Cuba and Switzerland, friends and neighbors stepped up to help out Jackie, even to the point of shovelling the ton of snow out of our driveway!  Rochelle John has spent countless hours fixing computer stuff and building furniture, Emily has checked on her mom when I am not around.  Neighbors brought over cookies, friends sent pizzas, and wine, and walked the dog and brought in the mail.  Clarence tells George Bailey that "No man is a failure who has friends."  Thank you folks for making us a success.
7     The Chicago Cubs.  Dan, Chicago John and I made 6 games this year and we were 6-0.  Great times at the ball yard.  But October topped everything!  Division Series, National League title, World Series.  Jackie and I watched almost every inning of the playoffs.  In fact, we watched almost every game this year!  Her brother Bob joined us...sort of.  He and Jackie would message back and forth during the games.  The Cubs brought them closer together, distance wise.  And who could forget games 5, 6 and 7?  Especially 7.  An amazing season.  An amazing memory.
6     Travelling east to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown and meeting a sweet Vermont lass name of Josie.  Seeing her parents and spending a couple of days with my New York cousin Bob and his wife Anita were a part of this highlight.  Even got to visit a former student attending school in Cooperstown.     Good times, good times
5   Visiting the Christmas markets in France.  I know, the German markets are supposed to be great....but walking the streets in  Colmar, seeing those buildings with the wooden beam construction.... that was amazing.  And Strausburg was equally cool.  My niece from Illinois even joined me for a day of exploring in Bern.  Good times, good times.
  Visiting Cuba in March.  It was amazing to see a country that has not yet embraced the 21st century.  Yet the people seemed happy with what they have, not unhappy with what they don't have.
3     Being able to visit my nephew and his family in Zurich.  Megan and I had a chance to wander the town, visiting a couple of Christmas markets.  Having dinner with them and just visiting was pretty darn cool.  Plus Megan and the boys  visited here in October, so I got to see them twice this year!
2     Seeing Julia twice this year!  Actually, counting the couple of days she was here last January we saw here on three different visits in 2016!  I will miss her. She leaves Thursday.  I will be emotional.  Always am.  Always tear up.
1     The Wedding.  Travelling to Las Vegas, watching my baby get married, the reception back here...tell you folks, that was a great experience.  Plus we got to see family and friends from all over the place!  It was a great day for a reception, a great day for a wedding, a great many times can I say great?
     So....Happy New Year to you!  I hope you can look back at this year and say, "It wasn't so bad."   Or even, "It could have been worse."
Best wishes for a healthy, happy 2017.

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