Friday, December 2, 2016

it's crunch time

I am almost ready to go

     Unfortunately, almost does not mean is ready.
     I have a little cleaning to do tomorrow.  And some repacking.
     Seems my one suitcase comes in at a little over 60 pounds.......10 over the limit.
     The other case hit 49.7, which is close enough.
     Packing for a winter trip is hard.  Clothes are heavier.  Bulkier.  I need to cut down on the 64 pairs of underwear, I guess.
    Then there is the medication aspect.
    I take a variety of pills and over the counter vitamins.  I don't like taking all the bottles, so I repackage them in plastic pill bags and put labels on them.
     If I can find the bags.
      I honestly did not think they would be in Jackie's sock drawer, or where ever they were,  but that seems to be where they are kept now.
     I have a system for filling my pill container.  I label the p.m. drugs and number them, starting with 1.  I do the same with my morning meds.  First I put in the vitamins, then I start the pills.  A.M. 1, 2, get the picture.
     I have been doing this weekly for years.
     So why tonight, when I am already feeling pressure, do I put some of my p.m. pills in the a.m. slot and put a.m. pills in both the a.m. and p.m. slot?
    And why did I not put p.m. pills in every p.m. slot, instead skipping some and double dosing others?
     It was a mess and took about 40 minutes to dump all the pills, check the dosages with the labels, and reload.
    So now  I am off to bed.  I don't expect I will sleep very well, a combination of anxiety, nerves and pure fear.
     I don't know when my next post will everyone have a great day Saturday!  And Sunday!  And Monday!

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