Monday, December 5, 2016

grumble, grumble, grumble

I was actually awake today

     Frequently the first day at Julia's. I sleep most of the day.
     Today I was up early.  2 a.m., to be exact.  I went to bed at 9 p.m., so I had 5 hours of solid sleep.
     I drifted back off a little before 7...then was up at 9 a.m.
     It's a bit hazy here.  The temps are in the mid 50s, or so it feels.
     I went to the center of Vevey and took some pictures.  I would love to show you the neat pictures of people cooking meat, the Christmas decorations, the little trees.....but my trusty 35 is no longer trusty.  I took about 20 pictures, but there was only one on the card when I went to download.  That makes three cards that have failed....and adds to my suspicion that it is the camera.  Oh well, all things have to end.
     I had forgotten how expensive things are here.  I was reminded of that today when I was in Vevey. I went to buy a resuable bag and it was marked 17.90 franc.  It is a nice bag, so I decided to buy it.  It rang up 10 franc.  I was flummoxed.  I went back to check the price and yep, I got it for almost 8 franc less than the price.  I went back to the clerk and tried to explain.  She spoke passable English, much better than my miserable French, and I took her back to the shelf, showed her my receipt and pointed to the correct price.
     She must have been impressed by my basic honesty, because she said, "Special price, just for you. 10 franc.  Special."
     I am very happy with my bargain.
     Anyway, I tried the camera again and got two pictures from Julia's balcony.  If you use your imagination, you can see the mountains and the lake.  Don't use your imagination and you will see a lot of haze.

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