Monday, December 19, 2016

good grief

I think the weather is just plain screwy

     It could be close to 50 Christmas day.
     That is plus 50, or 60 degrees warmer than today.  The forecast I saw called for 43 on Sunday, but when you think we were -11, that is a big temperature swing.
     No wonder I have a cold.
     I have a cough, sore throat and tonight my one ear hurts.
     Usually Julia comes home sick and spends the first few days in bed.  She is healthy and I am the one suffering.
     Oh well...better me than her.
     I watched my second Christmas movie today...Holiday Inn.  I don't like it as much as White Christmas, but it was still good.  I love It's a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street, but I watch a lot of classic films in addition to those two.
     Next up will be Meet Me in St. Louis, which is not a baseball film.  I love that one because of the peek at life in early 1900 America.  It's pretty detailed, yet probably does not reflect what life was life for the majority of people in those times....just the upper 15 percent.
     Now I am going to bed.  I finished a hot toddy, to relax me and ease my throat.  If only I could sleep past 4 a.m.
     Maybe tonight.
     Suddenly, I am sweating.....maybe not a good sign.

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