Thursday, December 15, 2016

disappointed is my middle name

I am a little out of sorts tonight

     Yes, in part because I am very tired.  I got up at 7 today, much earlier than normal.  But then I went to bed at about 8 last night.
     Anyway.....Cubs ticket packs went on sale Wednesday.  I did not know that.
     When I tried to order 14 game packs today, I could not.  No matter what I tried, the pack was not available in the number (3) I wanted.
     The 8 game packs sold out yesterday.
      I am frustrated because the packs usually go on sale during the Convention in I also could not get.
     So after 6 years of going to games with John and Dan, I guess we are shut out.
     I am disappointed.
     Jackie and I were driving past McDonald's on 251 when she said she would like an eggnog shake.  I pulled into the arches, ordered two shakes, paid, and waited.
     A worker came up and said they were done with eggnog shakes!!  Done!!  They could not order any more mix!
     It's two weeks before the egg nog holiday and they are out of the stuff.
     I was disappointed for the second time today.
     Seems to me if you are going to sell eggnog shakes, you should plan on having them through the Christmas season.
     But that is me.
     I was so busy trying to order ticket packs today I missed the recycling guys.
I was putting on pants for outside when I heard the truck.  By the time I got to the garage, the truck was passing our house.
     I could have chased them down....but instead I put the bins in my van and took them to Emily's.
     In three minutes I am going to take out the garbage.   You can't beat this old guy twice in the same game.
     Unless it's baseball or milk shakes.

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