Monday, December 12, 2016

feelin the bern

I visited the Swiss capital today

     Niece Cindy and I went to the capital and stood on a couple of billion dollars!
    We think.
     Someone told us the Swiss national bank stores its gold under a plaza in a secure vault.  Just feet below our feet there may have been over a billion dollars.  Or maybe we were in the wrong plaza.      Who knows.
     Bern is a great walking around town.  We made it over to see the famous Bern bears.... but they are hibernating.  We have to come back in the spring.
     Went through a couple of Christmas markets....small, but interesting.
     I am a little frustrated.  I download pictures and can't find them.  Seems the date is wrong on one of the cameras.  My pictures are somewhere in the 2013 collection.  I may have found them all, but I am not sure.
     Plus, I can't seem to get my photos to display the way I want tonight.  So I am a little frustrated and tired.
     So, here are some pictures and some comments.

billions beneath our feet?

No bears out today

Look, a flying bear!

see any that are the same?

Anyone know were I can buy a magnet??

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