Sunday, December 25, 2016

all done...almost

I had a full Christmas

    Full of food.  Full of gifts.   Full of friends visiting.  Full of family.
    This was a lot of fun.
    Highlights, for me:
    My new camera, that replaces the one that decided not to take anymore pictures.
    Jackie's new table that John made.  It is really beautiful.  When I can, I will take some pictures.
    Breakfast.  Let's say a breakfast casserole baked in the crock pot sounded like a good idea.
    Hamilton.  I got the CD of the play ....   and tickets!
    Dinner.  I loved the turkey and the potatoes and the stuffing and the vegetables and the rolls and the desserts.......may not eat for at least 8 hours!
    Visiting with family and friends, some in person, some by telephone, some by  Skype.  The world does seem smaller these days.
    Watching youngsters enjoy opening Christmas presents.
    The reason for the season.
    So....I am done now.  Time for bed and a long sleep.
    Hope your Christmas was merry and you are feeling goooood tonight!
    Peace and love.

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