Sunday, August 17, 2014

what a weekend

I had a really busy, great weekend

     These last three days have passed in a blur.
     I had a zoo day Friday, which is always a great day.  By the way, in the Tribune today they had an  article in the entertainment section on the way zoo displays are being changed to make it more interesting for the animals and guests.  Verrrrry interesting.
     The museum had some craft projects Saturday, along with the dedication of Debby's closet.  Debby VanDyke was a long time Rochelle resident, librarian at RTHS, museum backer, and friend.  She died in 2013 and her dream of having a dress up space in the museum  for youngsters was realized with the opening of the closet Saturday.  Folks, it was a moving moment, filled with happiness and sadness at the same time.
      I had a spinner craft to make with kids.  It went pretty well, except they don't make the noise they usually make.  The spinners, not the kids.  I think the wood was just too thin.
     Frank and his wife Barb brought their Impala out for the car show, his brother John joined him, we visited, cooked out, caught up, reminisced, laughed.....a great time.
    The parade Sunday was hot.  I took pictures of the crowd from my perch on the museum unit.  Maybe I'll download them to FB at some point.
     If you visited the craft area, you probably saw the Rotary booth with the calendars for sale.  Seriously, good price, good cause.  For $20 you get a calendar that has lots of coupons, including half price offers from Beacon on the Green and Flight Deck, and you get the chance to win cash!  Each day of the year, a winner is drawn.  Usually it is $25, but it could be $50, $100 or even $1,000!
     What happens with the money?  Rotary funnels it back into local groups.  This year the sales benefit Focus House, the Rochelle Food Pantry, Hope, all sorts of agencies helping the people who need it most.
    To be honest, this is my third year of calendar sales....and only one person of mine has won.  I may be a jinx.  A woman I go to church with summed it up when I told her that:  "This is a type of thing you don't care if you do it because it matters."  So, buy a calendar.  If not from me, then from someone else.
     I even managed to get Jackie out to see JD Brown tonight!  We almost made it 'til the end....but aching backs and sore legs caused an early exit.
     A lot of people get involved in the Heritage Festival.  They are working long hours this week in setting up, taking down, and cleaning up....they all deserve our thanks and a round of applause. could even buy them a calendar to show your appreciation!

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