Sunday, August 24, 2014

cheeseburgers in Paradise

I attended my fourth Jimmy Buffet concert

     Carrie invited me to my first one, three years ago.  I think it was because I had a van.  Plus, I don't drink a lot, and I don't drink when I drive.
     Whatever the reason, it was a blast.  Buffet does a great show.
      I went to two of them last year.  The first was in Chicago at Northerly Island.  I think it was the first concert there.  They had sodded the lawn three days before the show, and the day of the show it poured rain.  It was a sea of mud by the time the show started.
     Because of that fiasco, we got free tickets to Alpine Valley for  Buffet.
     This year we went back to Alpine Valley.  It is really a great venue, if you don't mind waiting forever to get out of the parking lot. road out for 30,000 people is not conducive to fast exits.
     This year we got there about 4, cooked out, visited with each other and with the pirates around us.  We went into the venue, found a couple of good spots on the lawn, and watched Jimmy for two hours.
      Yes it was humid, and warm.  But it never rained.  The bugs were not bad.  The music was a giant sing a long.
     And everyone once in a while you would catch an odd odor on the wind...burger cooking, skunk spraying, doobies being passed.  But surprisingly, there never seems to be a lot obvious marijuana use..
     The drinking, on the other hand, is huge.  Kind of scary to think some of those people may be driving.
     But a good time was had by all.  It is now a little past 2 a.m.  I am getting a bit tired.  Hopefully I can catch a nap on my way to the Cub game later today!

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