Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I am sharing my to do list

I have a list of things I need to do

These are in no particular order.  I am sharing them with you in hopes you will encourage me to do something on the list.  Lord knows, procrastination has a price.

Organize pictures from Italy.  No, I have not done that yet.  Yes, I want to get it done before we go this year.  No, you can't help.

Have Dan and Linda over to look at the pictures......was going to do that this summer!

Aerate the lawn, over seed the lawn, fertilize the lawn.  I need to do this in mid September.  Hopefully the ground will get saturated by a rain and I can actually run an aerator that will makes holes and not wildly bounce.

Kill weeds along the driveway.

Wash and wax the van.

Wash and wax the car.

Vacuum out the cars and clean the interior windows.

Organize the pictures from the 2012 trip......someone was going to come down and look at pictures with me this summer so we could organize both sets....where did the time go!

Fill in holes and low spots in yard.  Probably should do that before I  aerate and seed.  I have several holes that look like burrows....but there is no dirt around them.  It's like a critter carried off the dirt and put it somewhere else.  Weird.

Measure the basement ceiling and order the tile.

Put up firing strips so I can hang the tile.

Hang the dang tile.

Hang my bike,  No, this is not revenge for throwing me, but a way to get it out of the way for winter.

Lose 15 pounds.

Find window covers for the basement egress windows so they don't fill up with snow like they did last year.

Figure out how to mail the Rotary newsletter.

Work on my Dewey Lake effort.   I don't want to call it a book, because so far, is isn't....just a bunch of stories tied together very loosely.

Find and plant four trees for the back yard.  This may be a spring project.  Looking for a hickory, red bud, bur oak, and one more that I can't seem to remember.

Buy a new pocket camera.  I am looking....still confused.

I know there are other things I need to do, but I just can't remember what they are.  Maybe I need to actually keep a list.

So, if you see me, ask me if I got any done.  Remind me winter is approaching fast and some of these things need to be done before the first snow hits the ground.

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