Saturday, August 30, 2014

I used to be a reader...

I have not read a book all summer

     I am ashamed to admit that.  I love reading.  I love books.
     I went to Barnes and Noble and bought 3 books.....I have only opened one of them.  Early in my life I read Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, but I did not put a lot of thought into it.  Now that I am older, I thought it would be good to revisit the book.  The language is wonderful, the imagery powerful.  But I can't seem to read for more than 5 minutes before my eye lids grow heavy.  I have also started a Bill Bryson book......but I have been reading that for three months and am only half way through it.  It is a funny book, dated, but funny.
     Three other books are sitting on the book case, gathering dust.
     What happened?
     Well, I do spend time working the Sunday crosswords from the Tribune.  I have about 6 weeks worth in various stages of completion.  I like to check the correct answers with my answers.  Sometimes I am close to finishing a puzzle so I save it to complete, but that causes problems.
     I don't have much weeding to do.  Sure, I spend one day a week out in the flowers, fertilizing, weeding and deadheading, but it is only about 3 hours at the most.
     And yes, my blog takes about 40 minutes a night.  I do try to check spelling and punctuation, and I know sometimes errors slip through.  But I do put some effort into this little project.
     So where does my time go?
Facebook and Spider Solitaire. And Cubs games.
     I read the comments people make to posts, I read posts, I reply to posts.  All that takes time.  More time than I should be spending on it.
     And Spider Solitaire?  Well, my addiction continues.  I can't seem to do a blog without playing one or two or three games.  It clears my head an organizes my thoughts.
     But they both eat into time I should be doing something else.
     So I am going to lessen my computer time.  Sure, I will still read the Tribune on line, but I am going to cut down on the time I spend playing games and checking Facebook.  The Cubs will be done soon, so that frees up a lot of time.
     Maybe by October I will have caught up with my summer reading.
     Or at least finished Leaves of Grass.

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