Friday, August 22, 2014

call the doctor...I'm optimistic!

I think this is going to be a great weekend

   I know, I usually don't gush with excitement over something positive.  I am a half empty glass kind of guy.
     So why do I feel so good about this weekend?
    One good sign is Emily's cat coming back!  Jaz disappeared two weeks ago but tonight he showed up, evidently none the worse for wear.
     Early Saturday I going to make a quick trip to help set up the Thrive Garden Market in DeKalb, then I'm going to come home and go to the market in Rochelle.  I love going to see all the crafts and what evers that are sold there.  Sometimes I even buy something, although I admit I mostly buy edible stuff.
     Saturday night Parrotheads are gathering at Alpine Valley to sing along with Jimmy Buffet. Seriously, almost every song he performs people sing with him.
     This is my fourth concert.  I generally am the designated driver, which is fine with me.  I just love watching the people and soaking up the feel good vibe there.  Maybe I'll even dance a little this time!
Sure, it will be hot and muggy, but that will make it feel more like Key West!
    Sunday I've got a Cubs game...and they are on a roll.  Ok, they won today, but I do believe they will win again Sunday!  Good pitching, good hitting, good fielding, will lead to a Win.  Watch for me on TV as I dance crazily with my big W flag after the game!!
     But the big positive I am going to do well feeling comes when they announce the winner of the Amboy Depot Days 50/50 drawing.  It will be me!!  And if you don't know, that is a huge 50/50!!  My phone will be out of order Monday morning.
     So a little 100 heat temp day won't interfere.  Or rain.  Or a cub loss.  Or .....wait a minute.  I am hopping off that negativity train right now!
    Why, I think I'll even buy a lotto ticket.......nah, I better not overdo the positivity thing.

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